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  1. I'm Struggling to decide I'm going into my 3rd year of computer security course and For my 3rd year I will be studying the fallowing modules, I need a laptop that will do the trick, I'm super leaniant for macbook 16 inch, with 32gb of ram, 1tb ssd. and 8gb of graphics. But what I don't know will it be value for my money I don't want to spend £3200 if I won't use the full pottential of the machine, I do own a desktop what is quite aged running 6700k skylake. I need a laptop so I can be mobile and do my work like my upcoming project and some other courses that will require me to use vm Kali. I own currectly a XPS 15 9th Gen, what am just not feeling it I have manjaro linux instaleld on it and there's to much fuss with batterylife and incompatability for certain stuff. I have never owned a mac to keep to learning a new OS, but will it be worth my money. or maybe should I get a 13 inch? Any guidance and stats be welcomed. Project Ethical Hacking Network Forensics Network Defence Applied Cryptography
  2. Hey peeps could anyone guide me to a good and quick learning matterial for my java project. I struggli with Java and I need to develop a console application in java, I have 2 weeks to do this and non of my Lecturers are available anymore, I would appriciate if someone could guide to to some good video lecture of good reading material so I could understand how to do this project. 5133COMP CW REF-converted.docx
  3. This is the task I have been assigned and I'm struggling inclemency, I understand the logic more or less but don't understand how to implement it. After implementing a procedure I need to develop a trigger then connect it to netbeans to make it fully functional.
  4. Hello dear tech community I'm seeking some light on my SQL I have been tasked to create a procedure for my database, I have been provided with code I have to fill in, put it make no sense because every tutorial I have looked at is completely different. DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE course_scheduler (IN new_code CHAR(3), IN start_date DATE) BEGIN DECLARE isExisting BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE new_code CHAR(3); DECLARE start_date CURSOR FOR SELECT course_code FROM module WHERE new_code = course_code; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET isExisting = TRUE; -- NOTE : check if course exists ! IF (isExisting) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = ' Course exists'; END IF; -- NOTE : check if start date is >= month in future ! IF (start_date) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = ' Course starts'; END IF; OPEN todo; todo: LOOP FETCH NEXT FROM todo INTO todo; IF (todo) THEN LEAVE todo; END IF; -- NOTE : Check Saturday / Sunday & Skip using WEEKDAY & DATE_ADD functions respectivly in MySQL . . Google ! INSERT INTO `session` (`code`, `date`, room) SET start_date = DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 MONTH); END LOOP; CLOSE todo; END$$ DELIMITER ; the word "todo" needs to be replaced with the appropriate variable from the database, but am just not getting it. https://imgur.com/a/1QZYdUi : database Can't add the screenshot of the databse for some reason. *Fells Stupid* Any help is much apreaciated EDIT: o Produce a procedure that assigns a new schedule for a given course. The procedure should accept a course code & start date as arguments then schedule each of the given course’s modules on consecutive (working / week) days. The start date must be at least a month in the future otherwise, a suitable error should be raised. o Tips . . CURSOR, LOOP, SIGNAL
  5. No I was thinking for £200 for the monitor, i want a good monitor so i can play AAA games with pleasure. I'll update the graphics later on.
  6. cMOS reset, also can try taking out the motherboard battery. should work.
  7. So how much would you recommend for a monitor then?
  8. Hello fellow IT squad. Got a few questions, I'm looking to upgrade my computer in very close future. One of my upgrades shall be my monitor, I want a 24inch 1080p with 144hz ref rate, I'm currently rocking a 1060 6GB OC gigabyte eddition but I want to upgrade that one to in the near future maybe RTX 2070 or if I can find a 1080 ti. Buget nothing too extream in £200 margin. Current monitors. Main: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B015510R4M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Secondary: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00A4415KG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. And wich one would favour more Linux? What are you thouths on Dell XPS
  10. Not heavy, battery needs to last around 10hrs. no touch screen. I just need it to last me for around 3 years in Uni, so I can carry it around and do my stuff. I do have a 6700k skylake at home but 20kg aint moving. The laptops does not need to be very high end graphics just an occasional game of League or Runescape, watch a movie on a train now and then...
  11. Completely forgot about Luis, used to watch him when had more spare time. As part of my module I will have to learn all OS, Windows, xOS and Kali Linux, but for some time now I want to learn linux in my spare time. Will check out "Pop_OS" That is a good shout. For now just browsing and searching the ThinkPad and what it can offer.
  12. Have bad expierence with Acer, also if it comes with Windows S upgrading it to FFW, the battery life will be a struggle. I want something solid that will last me whole day at Uni. ThinkPad actually seems like a decent option need to check some reviews about it. Only reason Macbook is on my mind, it's because of the battery life and works out the box, just not sure how it would react to Kali & Ubuntu Linux.
  13. Dear computer people, I'm strugling with a choice of a laptop for my studies. I'm about to start my second year in University for Computer Security, and in need of laptop that will match my needs, needs bein coding projects, networking, MySQL, basic essay writing, ocasional game of LoL. I was thinking of dell XPS or apple Macbook Pro, but my course also includes learning Linux so having a laptop that can dual boot into Linux would be quite good. my budget is around £800 - £1000 I could spare maybe extra one or two more hundred but would rather avoid it.