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  1. Just found this new tech on Amazon called the Subpac that turns sound from a game into vibrations on your body, it kinda remind me of that fan that blows hot air at you when it sees an explosion on screen or something. I'd love to see an LTT video on this because sadly I cannot afford a 350 dollar piece of possible garbage. But then again it could be cool, they have claims from Forbes and The Guardian, so it's anyone's bet. Also they say that they're partnered with Andy Rubin, must've been very downhill since the Essential Phone haha Link to website: https://subpac.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw583nBRBwEiwA7MKvoGqtG25I303dLEF0VSKvJXUCuY2MO_CXxVdc0tSErUbjm3Jp57KfTxoCw4QQAvD_BwE Link to Forbes article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/julianmitchell/2016/05/05/timbaland-and-google-android-creator-set-to-redefine-how-fans-experience-music/amp/ Link to The Guardian: https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jul/21/subpack-s2-review-portable-mega-club-experience-vibrating
  2. So I came across this phone from an Instagram ad so I checked it out and they send you a router that connects other phones to your WiFi, so others can too, it's an interesting idea but they'd have to sell hundreds of thousands of phones and routers for anyone to be able to use them, so I'm skeptical about how they'll do. The link is volkfi.com