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  1. well i was using the computer to play world of warcraft and nothing real computer intense.. but ive been more so on xbox lately.. its easier to get up and going.. idk i go back and forth alot lol
  2. i got all the stuff added to my carts on my accounts thanks! i am about to leave work go home and play the anthem demo soon lol
  3. maybe i should just get a 550 and leave it at that? once the card prices drop i want to sell my 1050 and my 1060 and get a 1080.. right now i cant play any games on my computer other than world of warcraft.. anything else just lags to where i cant do anything its really depressing ive spent $1000 on it so far i couldve built one myself for the same price and it be updated version
  4. it is a logisys power supply.. i dont know the wattage the guy who made the computer i asked him before and he said maybe its a 450 i tried to take it out but id need to unhook everything to see the information on the power box cause of the way its inside the computer case he lives in another state so theres no way i can get him to take it out
  5. i sure hope is a good combo.. i had the 1050 3gb and it runs the same as the 1060.. was told its the CPU thats holding it back.. so i hope it all works out i still have a 450 power supply will that still work with those 2 new things? i had ordered a 650 but then i was told it was too much power to use the one i had.. lol
  6. haha awesome thanks! i just hope my graphics card fits on the motherboard.. i was told they all pretty much are universal and fit on anyboard i ended up getting https://www.amazon.com/GeForce-Dual-Fan-Gaming-Graphics-DUAL-GTX1060-O6G/dp/B01JHQT1SE/ref=pd_sbs_147_7?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01JHQT1SE&pd_rd_r=71a45dc0-2605-11e9-898b-bde429f25e46&pd_rd_w=0XUSg&pd_rd_wg=Q1hhH&pf_rd_p=588939de-d3f8-42f1-a3d8-d556eae5797d&pf_rd_r=BYNVH3KA2ZGFQ1G1D3P9&psc=1&refRID=BYNVH3KA2ZGFQ1G1D3P9 from someone online in california who bought it for black friday but never used it.. he had it for $180 but i told him if i bought it right now would he do $120 and $12 shipping and he said sure.. got it and it was still unopened in the newegg box he just put tape over his own info and put my label for shipping over that lol ive had it afew weeks now and it runs great! the fans are kinda noisy but by the time a game is on i never notice it it runs around 65 temp
  7. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157843&Description=b450 motherboard&cm_re=b450_motherboard-_-13-157-843-_-Product and https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0134EW7G8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B41WS48/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 good ?
  8. i found this one on amazon i think its the same thing? https://www.amazon.com/Ryzen-Gaming-Motherboard-B450M-CSM/dp/B07FKV5HWJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549012998&sr=8-1&keywords=ASRock+B450M+PRO4+AM4+AMD if i can id like to order it all off amazon .. that ryzen 2600 is on sale with amazon too same price
  9. is there anything else i would need to buy with that? like that processor and the motherboard.. i dont need anything else at all? cause if i order it and then im missing something i wont understand whats going on lol... ive seen in some videos people have bought thermal paste and coolers?
  10. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113496&Description=ryzen&cm_re=ryzen-_-19-113-496-_-Product this one? its on sale for 165
  11. is it better to get the 6 core or 8 core? theres abunch of different ryzen pros
  12. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157843&Description=b450 motherboard&cm_re=b450_motherboard-_-13-157-843-_-Product would that work with ryzen 5 and newer like i8 and so on?
  13. i was suggested a motherboard but the board i was suggested has bad reviews.. got any suggestion on a motherboard
  14. Went from a 1050 2gb and 50 fps to a 1060 6gb and made it to 55-60 fps.. i was told its my CPU.. https://www.asrock.com/mb/NVIDIA/N68-GS4 FX R2.0/ can i get suggested a better CPU and pros that are compatible id like a ryzen 5 ... but then again i know as much about computers as you do about me