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Tzztr Rrtr

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  1. As the titles implies. I just had an update that out of nowhere added a language for the keyboard layout that I can't delete because it doesn't appear in the preferred languages settings... I don't know why it even added the language to begin with... I assume it's because I am living in Belgium atm but this is super annoying.
  2. So every time I use the phone I mute and when I lock it I unmute?? It’s crazy that there are so many ppl in my friend circle having the same issue but everyone just accepts it… oh well…
  3. Wouldn’t that leave me with no vibration for those apps at all (even when locked) and still have sound for both locked and unlocked states?
  4. Hey so I recently made the switch from android to iOS, but tbh don’t want to get into a discussion as to why etc. one thing I notice that really does my head in however is this: Whenever I have my phone on ring and it’s unlocked (aka me using the phone) I still get notification dings and vibrations in addition to the banner. The banner is good, but the sounds and vibrations are just disruptive… I don’t need to be extra alert about this notification when I’m already looking at the phone. I dug around a bit but I couldn’t find a way to disable this behavior which naturally just wasn’t happening on android. Do you guys know how to disable this or should I ask if it is even possible to do so?
  5. Alright! I delved deep into this now with this And based of off this, and what is available in my region at reasonable prices I feel like this should be a good choice: KF432C16RB1K2/32 It's a 32GB kit with 3200Mts and 16-18-18. Anything faster with the same timings would be imo unreasonably more expensive after looking at this as well:https://www.tomshardware.com/features/ryzen-5000-ram-guide You can see that the faster ram results in IMO negligible improvements vs how much it costs. The above kit is about 135-140 Euro here. The cheapest 3600Mts 16-18-18 I could find is around 180+ Euro. If I'm incorrectly stating/interpreting anything, please let me know!
  6. I wanted to go for 32GB to future proof. Browsers and background tasks keep using more and more RAM, so if I'm already going for new RAM I might as well get something I won't have to upgrade in a while So getting the same 2x modules twice isn't a good idea?
  7. So 4 of the Crucial ones should be good and I can save 30bucks? sry for asking, I am just not sure about having 4 memory modules since I've always just had 2, and I'm not sure if there are performance differences that I should be aware of. Just never had to think this much about RAM before since it's never mattered this much
  8. But BTGbullseye said that the 18-20-20 timings on the 3600 Patriot were bad, wouldn't that make the 18-22-22 crucial even worse? Thinking of getting this one with 16-19-19 for a bit more https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1473642/g-punt-skill-ripjaws-v-f4-3600c16d-32gvkc/reviews/
  9. Sure, here you go: https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1523190/crucial-ballistix-bl2k8g36c16u4b.html and https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1443270/g-punt-skill-trident-z-neo-f4-3600c18d-32gtzn.html
  10. Oh... okay! Would this be an option, I'd get two of these, so 4 sticks. https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B083V93HJG/ref=sr_1_14?crid=3JN3BTH21TI7B&keywords=32gb%2B3600mhz&qid=1640858940&refinements=p_85%3A16497054031%2Cp_n_fulfilled_by_amazon%3A17344308031&rnid=17344307031&rps=1&sprefix=32gb%2B3600mhz%2Caps%2C57&sr=8-14&th=1 Edit: I don't quite get it. All of the sticks I find are 18-22-22-42... even this one, and I thought it was considered to be a good one... https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B07VNJFR67/ref=sr_1_13?crid=3JN3BTH21TI7B&keywords=32gb+3600mhz&qid=1640969485&refinements=p_85%3A16497054031%2Cp_n_fulfilled_by_amazon%3A17344308031&rnid=17344307031&rps=1&sprefix=32gb+3600mhz%2Caps%2C57&sr=8-13
  11. Okay so I think I'll go with these, experiences or word on the street? XD https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B088KSRW4S/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3JN3BTH21TI7B&keywords=32gb%2B3600mhz&qid=1640825023&sprefix=32gb%2B3600mhz%2Caps%2C57&sr=8-8&th=1
  12. Thanks guys So I am looking for 32Gb of 3600Mhz. All the affordable options are CL18 though. Would that make a big difference in the end?