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  1. Ok so I overclocked my i7 8700k to 4.7 ghz and I was wondering if I should keep the voltage at 1.208 which is what the mobo automatically changed it to when I oc ( I have a msi pro z370 pro gaming carbon mobo) or should it be higher?
  2. Not really I should probably do that tho
  3. How good is the airflow in the Corsair crystal 460x?
  4. I’m sure it is the psu because when I turn off the system and only have the psu on I can hear the hum when I put my ear some What close to it.
  5. I have a Corsair rm850x and it is making a low hum noise when I turn it on but the sounds of the fans in my case drown it out so it’s not annoying but should I be worried?