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  1. Hello There, I am currently using Manjaro as my OS and when I dont use it I generally mine using Nicehash. However there is no nicehash client for Linux. (nuxhash is currently not working) So my Idea was to run Nicehash OS in a Virtual machine with GPU passthrough. Has anyone done this before? Is my Idea completly off and there is a better way? What VM software should i use? (I was thinking QEMU because i heard it was good at passing through a GPU). I mainly want to use Nicehash because i need to get above the 0.001 Minimum and its easy to use(On windows, and i have a NicehashOS stick to boot from). Best regards!
  2. Hello there. As i mentioned in the Title I am looking for basically a TV replacement. Main usage would be to watch Movies and Series. Why is it so hard to find a good Laptop with like integrated graphics that has a great display and speakers? My mother buys nail polish (hobby) so the more accurate the display is the better. The budget would be around 700€. .
  3. Summary Facebook stops the sale of Oculus devices in Germany and claims that its because they are talking to German regalatory bodies. Both the Data protection Agency and the Anti Trust Agency deny talks. Its unclear wether they are pressured by a german agency, its anticipatory obedience or purely out of spite. The Hamburg data protection officer(HmbBfDI), after being asked by "heise.de" voices doubts on the legality of the recent moves by Facebook, especially for existing users. The Request for comment caused the HmbBfDI to pass this concern on to the European Data Protection Supervisor (I assume). My thoughts It will be interresting to see whats to come especially as the problems lie within the realm of the GDPR thus are valid in the whole European Union. However Facebook is under the Irish data protection agency wich is quite lenient when it comes to facebook. Sources https://www.heise.de/amp/news/VR-Headsets-von-Oculus-werden-nicht-mehr-in-Deutschland-verkauft-4883905.html (main)(German) https://www.roadtovr.com/facebook-oculus-germany-rift-quest-halted-antitrust/
  4. I've got a Cooler Master MasterBox Lite 5 https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CkM323/cooler-master-masterbox-lite-5-atx-mid-tower-case-mcw-l5s3-kann-01
  5. Hi there, Im running a Ryzen 5 2600 and wanted to pimp my pc with a bit of RGB and thought The Wraith Prism Cooler looked cool. My problem is that due to place restraints i can only look at my pc form the side so that RGB fans in the front wouldn't look good. So the question is if you, the nice guys from this Forum, with your infinite windsom and charm, know wether or not there are better coolers (noise/price/performance/looks...) I should coose instead. Thanks a lot in advance!