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  1. thats the thing i have tried multiple different cables but it never respondes to any of them
  2. i don't remember exactly what it was because this was a few weeks ago but i belive it was just the controller losing connection at times
  3. The Controller i have (i don't know exactly but it is a base controller that came with the xbox one) OS Windows 10 i went to the device manager and went to the USB portion of the device manager and uninstalled the usb driver and now my controller no longer responds to any usb connection
  4. Yes i am omitting information because i don't know what is relevant any information i can provide if needed but the first link to do a driver download for 360 which is irelevant to me and i have seen the second website many times but it only says plug it in and no other information. I appreciate you trying to help but it was not what i needed for this
  5. Yes i spent hours trying different "fixes" online that i found on google none of them worked
  6. i saw it as a delete redownload to fix because i was already having problems i don't know where to redownload them and ,find device?
  7. I was playing Games with my Xbox one controller Usb wired into my computer and i went to my device manager and deleted my usb xbox controller driver and now my controller doesn't even respond to being plugged into my computer