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  1. if i can get the cache to work maybe someone can help me get sniproxy to work later that is giving me a bind failed: Address in use 2019-03-09 03:21:17 Failed to initialize listener 2019-03-09 03:21:18 bind failed: Address in use 2019-03-09 03:21:18 Failed to initialize listener 2019-03-09 03:21:21 bind failed: Address in use
  2. it shows my cpu maxed. but maybe thats misleading and i get some kinda network activity but not enough for caching games
  3. trying to get this working on my synology. it loads up fine says it should be working, i see my dns is getting hits. but it will not cache anything and my downloads just stuck ... maybe its a permission thing but is chmod 775 -R the folder it should be going too and nothing happeneing still. not caching anything.. help.
  4. also my steamcache isnt caching. im assuming because its going to the comcast CDN... no fix for this yet?
  5. how do i do this? i need the commands and stuff. thanks my battle net downloads are painfully slow