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Kahouse Keo

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  1. It will be a pass through rig mainly might use it for small game though for my girlfriend to use but she mainly plays minecraft, fortnite and overwatch. sorry about that I am not used to forums lol.
  2. I am currently overclocking my current cpu still don't understand it much I just used the ASUS bios ez oc tool and it overclock my system up by 13% and it has been stable since but yea I wouldn't really need to overclock since I will literally only be using the pc a a streaming and recording rig for games. Hence the small case I am using for it.
  3. Hi I am new here but I have been watching LTT videos on YouTube for awhile now. I am a small time streamer on Mixer and I am trying to build a second pc for streaming purposes only so I can hook up my gaming pc to it. I currently stream and games on the same pc , but with these new AAA title coming out it really pushes my rig to it's limits. Here is my current rig I have: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kahouse/saved/svYCmG I do have a part list made for the pc but the thing is I have been Intel all my life but now i=I am thinking of going AMD cause of what they have to offer for better prices. I am not to sure on this how ever so any advice would be appreciated. Also I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum. I don't use forums very much. Here is the build I have composed so far for my streaming rig: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VPcY8Y