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  1. Hey! I'm a couple of months into my first semester doing a BCS. And so far things are going really well, however we have this one course that's literally just called "Digital Technology" that I'm kind of struggling to keep up with. The course is split into two where the first part is basically an introduction to how computers work from binary mathematics, through physical hardware, all the way up to GUIs and "user-friendly" software. The second is a quite thorough look at how computer networking and "the internet" works, again working our way from the physical layer up to the application layer. Do any of you know any good online resources/textbooks that go through all (or some) of this in a somewhat pedagogic way? I've obviously googled a lot around, but if anybody who's maybe been through learning some of the same stuff before have any recommendations that would be amazing ! When I asked my professor he told me that his lectures are "the only syllabus you'll need, just read a wikipedia page if that's not enough for you", not very surprisingly that kind of arrogant statement didn't really help with anything ?