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Dj McCullough

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  1. I wasnt jumping to conclusions, I was asking about the accuracy of a hypothesis. But thankyou for noticing what i missed
  2. with the monumental THUD that the RTX has been, I noticed something as I was considering a second 1080ti. Since I dont care about raytracing and wont consider it till about the 30 series cards when it should have matured with more support, I was considering the best graphics power for money spent. Two 1080ti's seems to be a much better amount of money spent. As I looked up the card I own, the msi 1080ti twin frozr, to buy a second one, i noticed that someone changed the ad, and now the same card features a LOWER clock speed. IS Nvidia trying to nerf the 10 series in hopes people will go RTX? The card I purchased 3-4 weeks ago, is on the left , the currently listed card on newegg is on the right. Whats going on here? The only thing different in the ad other than the specs, Is they removed the second (albeit needless) "geforce" from the one on the left. EDIT: Nevermind, I didnt notice the missing "X" behind the gaming moniker, ty Cereal5 for catching my oversight.