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Alfred Nobel

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  1. It is the duty of all sane, responsible people to oppose the SJW cult in all of its forms, wherever it exists, and whenever it attempts to. The Linux CoC is just another (successful so far) attempt to impose PC tyranny/censorship/repression on the Linux community. There is no evidence that the Linux/FOSS community has ever been intolerant and hateful towards anyone. With some effort, a few example of sexism, racism, etc. could no doubt be found (could they?). However, they would be dwarfed by the staggering volume of invective and hatred targeting whites, males, conservatives, Christians, etc. The fact that anyone can contribute with whatever degree of anonymity has always assured that equality prevails. Three points come immediately to mind. The author of the CoC is Coraline Ada Ehmke. To call him/her/it/? an extremist would be a bit of an understatement. He/she/it/? is a fanatical opponent of “meritocracy’. He/she/it/? has literally said “Meritocracy is a dystopian delusion and needs to be rooted out wherever it takes hold” (I guess the real world has to go). A better argument might that Coraline and his/her/its/? “allies” need to be rooted out wherever they have taken hold. Coraline has stated that “humanity” is more important than competence. What does “humanity” mean to him/her/it? Nothing less than unthinking, unquestioning devotion to her/his/its/? notion of ideological purity. If you think for yourself, you are not “humane” and must be expelled. The following Tweet show how tolerant he/she/it/? is. “Punch diversity of thought in the face” Of course, we have been here before. Under Mao, the dominant ideology was straight from Caroline (“better red than expert’). Predictably, 10s of millions died from starvation as a consequence. The Nazis had “Jewish Science”. The list of ideological fanatics goes on and on Some folks have argued that criticizing Coraline is an ad-hominem attack. That’s a valid point. However, focusing just on the CoC doesn’t make it any better. The following is a quote from the CoC. ““In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.”” Sounds reasonable (it isn’t). However, notice what’s missing. According to the CoC it’s entirely OK to attack people for their nationality, politics, social class, and/or criminal history. However, there is more to the CoC. “Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting” In other words, if you dare to utter a non-PC thought anywhere, you will be attacked, shunned, banned, and exiled. Don’t believe me. Take a look at the OpalGate debacle (Coraline was a major player in that one). A person by the name of Elia made comments on Twitter that trans activists didn’t like. Whatever the merits of his comments, they had nothing to do with his contributions to the Open Source community. Coraline insisted that he be expelled anyway. Of course, it gets worse. A person (he/she/it/?) by the name of Sage Sharp attacked a Linux TAB member by the name of Ted Tso, as a “rape apologist”. What horrible thing did Ted Tso actually do? He use actual statistics to debunk feminist lies about the prevalence of rape. See “[LCA2011-Chat] Some Anti-Harassment Policies considered harmful”. Anyone can read Ted Tso’s online comments and see that he is no ‘rape apologist’. The charge is patently absurd. So why did Sage Sharp go bonkers when Ted Tso’s only crime was using facts? Because SJW’s are a cult with set of “Sacred Beliefs”. Sacred Beliefs don’t have to be true, indeed most are crazy fictions. However, they are Sacred. Ted Tso committed the ultimate crime of challenging a Sacred Belief with facts. Just as in Mao’s China or the USSR under Stalin, the worst possible crime is a thought crime. It almost like he dared to suggest that the Earth orbits the Sun. Everyone knows that’s a fiction. This note should how that the CoC isn’t harmless or “just being nice”. It is an attempt on the part of vile people to impose their Fascism, bigotry, and hate on everyone else. Fight SJW Fascism. Fight the PC Gestapo. Fight them now. Fight them forever.
  2. It is the duty of all sane, responsible people to oppose the SJW cult in all of its forms, wherever it exists, and whenever it attempts to. The Linux CoC is just another (successful so far) attempt to impose PC tyranny/censorship/repression on the Linux community. There is no evidence that the Linux/FOSS community has ever been intolerant and hateful towards anyone. With some effort, a few example of sexism, racism, etc. could no doubt be found (could they?). However, they would be dwarfed by the staggering volume of invective and hatred targeting whites, males, conservatives, Christians, etc. The fact that anyone can contribute with whatever degree of anonymity has always assured that equality prevails. Three points come immediately to mind. The author of the CoC is Coraline Ada Ehmke. To call him/her/it/? an extremist would be a bit of an understatement. He/she/it/? is a fanatical opponent of “meritocracy’. He/she/it/? has literally said “Meritocracy is a dystopian delusion and needs to be rooted out wherever it takes hold” (I guess the real world has to go). A better argument might that Coraline and his/her/its/? “allies” need to be rooted out wherever they have taken hold. Coraline has stated that “humanity” is more important than competence. What does “humanity” mean to him/her/it? Nothing less than unthinking, unquestioning devotion to her/his/its/? notion of ideological purity. If you think for yourself, you are not “humane” and must be expelled. The following Tweet show how tolerant he/she/it/? is. “Punch diversity of thought in the face” Of course, we have been here before. Under Mao, the dominant ideology was straight from Caroline (“better red than expert’). Predictably, 10s of millions died from starvation as a consequence. The Nazis had “Jewish Science”. The list of ideological fanatics goes on and on Some folks have argued that criticizing Coraline is an ad-hominem attack. That’s a valid point. However, focusing just on the CoC doesn’t make it any better. The following is a quote from the CoC. ““In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.”” Sounds reasonable (it isn’t). However, notice what’s missing. According to the CoC it’s entirely OK to attack people for their nationality, politics, social class, and/or criminal history. However, there is more to the CoC. “Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting” In other words, if you dare to utter a non-PC thought anywhere, you will be attacked, shunned, banned, and exiled. Don’t believe me. Take a look at the OpalGate debacle (Coraline was a major player in that one). A person by the name of Elia made comments on Twitter that trans activists didn’t like. Whatever the merits of his comments, they had nothing to do with his contributions to the Open Source community. Coraline insisted that he be expelled anyway. Of course, it gets worse. A person (he/she/it/?) by the name of Sage Sharp attacked a Linux TAB member by the name of Ted Tso, as a “rape apologist”. What horrible thing did Ted Tso actually do? He use actual statistics to debunk feminist lies about the prevalence of rape. See “[LCA2011-Chat] Some Anti-Harassment Policies considered harmful”. Anyone can read Ted Tso’s online comments and see that he is no ‘rape apologist’. The charge is patently absurd. So why did Sage Sharp go bonkers when Ted Tso’s only crime was using facts? Because SJW’s are a cult with set of “Sacred Beliefs”. Sacred Beliefs don’t have to be true, indeed most are crazy fictions. However, they are Sacred. Ted Tso committed the ultimate crime of challenging a Sacred Belief with facts. Just as in Mao’s China or the USSR under Stalin, the worst possible crime is a thought crime. It almost like he dared to suggest that the Earth orbits the Sun. Everyone knows that’s a fiction. This note should how that the CoC isn’t harmless or “just being nice”. It is an attempt on the part of vile people to impose their Fascism, bigotry, and hate on everyone else. Fight SJW Fascism. Fight the PC Gestapo. Fight them now. Fight them forever.