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  1. Yea because i noticed after all these problems when i fully wiped windows and just installed ryzen master and geforce experience and ran csgo it was fine and then i want the NZXT CAM and downloaded it and thats when I had problems again after it was working good, so I just uninstalled it and boom, double the fps now
  2. Alright I got it, I saw other people with same settings pulling that same fps. But here is what was wrong, there is this program for my NZXT computer case called CAM that monitor the cpu/gpu temp, the ram all that and also has settings to change led inside the case, I uninstalled that program and restarted my pc and now when I launch the game it pulls 300fps+. The only reason I used that program because it put a overlay on my games that would show the currect cpu/gpu temp what the fps was and how fast (mhz) everything was running. So this is what I get now! Everything seems to be running good now, just need to make sure to not install that CAM software, cause it fks everything up
  3. Well, when on current it all looks fine, and thats what I keep it on look, already reset... cause that is what it has been on for me, and the game doesn't want to go anywhere near 300 when it should... So does this look good? for ryzen master
  4. It says there is nothing to reset? and when I click 'game mode' at the bottom, it does not give me an option to reset, but if I uncheck additional control, it shows the other 4 cores, what should I do? I think it is that Legacy Compatibility Mode, but when I try to set it to the off position it will not let me like it shows on the 'Current' tab
  5. Yea I have heard that, and how do turn off game mode? I dont see an option for that in Ryzen Master and yes it shows up as the correct ram https://valid.x86.fr/5m1wel
  6. And also when I am playing csgo (overlay didnt show on screenshot) but it said that my CPU was only using 15-20% and my GPU is only using 30-35% could that be why there is low fps?
  7. Alright I just changed that, should I change anything is the BIOS for Chipset? Cause I'm not really sure what to change other than that memory you just said, dont want to mess anything up
  8. Because on Linus' newest video, he shows the stats for fps and for csgo he got like 300 fps, and I only top out at like 200 or so (since I wiped windows)
  9. Hello, I'm not sure why, but it seems like with my new build I can only get 100-140 fps on CSGO and I think that it may be because game mode on Ryzen Master there are 4 cores that say disabled. I am some information including a benchmark I just took of my pc which seems to be good, but im not really too sure what good score for a cpu/gpu are, can someone please let me know what the problem is and how to unlock the full potential of my hardware? Also here is my PC Specs from CPU-Z https://valid.x86.fr/8v4d84
  10. I was not on a game at all, just on desktop with no games open, I did hear that csgo was a CPU based game anyways so thinking that might be the problem. I ran a benchmark on GTA 5 and was only getting 55-70 fps with v-sync off. Something just doesnt seem right, what I rlly want to do is just make a new build and not have that alienware. I feel that it makes so many problem with things relating to gaming.
  11. https://gyazo.com/8492bf2184ddedaecddc9db5a8b5e6bd https://gyazo.com/05bba9710bdb1be17bef8968f2ea86ee https://gyazo.com/08b8ae00f22e7087d5347aecb7d5b2e6
  12. i use net_graph and cl_showfps I know they work because i have had it up in the past and it reflected the gameplay, and not it caps out at 120 and in fire fights frame drops constantly cause like a frame freeze effect every so often. I will post task manager in a sec
  13. I have had this problem for a while since I upgraded to a GTX 1080 ti (because the GTX 780 I had was just as bad)... I think it might be a bottleneck issue or alienware issue (regret buying it). Anyways, I just want to get 300 fps+ and have tried literally everything from changing fps_max 0 and 999, to making sure all my nvidia settings are proper, vertical sync off (vsync), trying all launch options, autoexec.cfg settings, deleting all userdata from steam, and more. Can't figure out how to fix it doesn't go over 120 in menu and goes even lower in game. Here is my whole set up from CPU-Z https://valid.x86.fr/j1e4bl Please help me, just want to play csgo smooth lol. I have GTX 1080 Ti, Intel i7-4820K 3.7Ghz, 16Gb DDR3, 128Gb SSD (csgo is on there), 1Tb HHD