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  1. i know it will get warmer but my fans right now I can't hear them at all before the issue I couldn't either everything is fine but when I plug the monitor in now the fan just goes crazy. should i just plug it in and see if the fan stops in a few seconds or what?
  2. So i was fixing some resolution and opening on the wrong monitor Problems for Doom I was having any part of me fixing it unplugging my second monitor. I got everything fixed and thought things are all good now when i went to go plug in my second monitor it kicked i think my GPU fan into overdrive is what it sounded like and I could feel hot air coming out so I panicked and just hard shut off my PC. I tried to plug it in again but I got the same result what is happening. Also, my monitor is VGA going into a VGA to HDMI adapter to my GPU if thats helpful.
  3. so I have been looking to upgrading my GPU I have a 1060 but I wanted a 1080 I have been looking at prices and I saw I could get a 2060 for much cheaper. Is the 1080 more powerful I thought it was but correct me if I'm wrong? I just need to know what the differences are between them and if I can expect similar performance Also i am still learning how to find out if parts are compatible but I don't know for sure here is my motherboard will it run a 2060? https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/G1Sniper-B7-rev-10#ov
  4. unless I have a padlock they cant cut though my dad might kick me out but my mom wont let him so im covered there
  5. thanks for the reply but I found a pad lock that I will use on the breaker box that my dad cant cut through so I got power figured out.
  6. yeah no ill build a small hydro dam in the creek first
  7. im 16 and my parents are trying to limit my to 2 a few hours a games a week that my just sound like im overreacting but I have put over 2000 dollars in that pc and im not going to let then do that
  8. do you know of any other ways that are some what inexpensive I have looked at generators and solar panels a generator might work but they are loud and expensive.
  9. I got stuff happening and im gonna need a alternate way to power my pc
  10. https://www.amazon.com/ExpertPower-EXP12180-Rechargeable-Battery-Bolts/dp/B00A82A3RK/ref=sr_1_25?keywords=10+hour+rechargeable+battery&qid=1556123729&s=gateway&sr=8-25 Can I run my pc of that for a few hours before I would need to recharge it. I have a 450 watt power supply I think and I would get one of the things that got jumper cable type clips that go to a normal plug in.
  11. So I just bought a new I7 8800K CPU and when I installed it my PC's lights and fans would turn on for a second or two and then turn off they would do this every time I pressed the button and after around three-four times my PC would turn on but nothing would happen on my monitor. when i put my old I5 6600 back in it worked fine how do I fix this.