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  1. ive tried to do steam link to a laptop and the experience was awful
  2. Do these actually work well? also does it support all games?
  3. the problem with that is i cant run the cables though the walls and floors, im going from 2nd floor to the basement
  4. I have a high end gaming PC in my computer room and i would like to game in my living room on my 50" 4k tv but i dont want to spend money on another high end pc. Im not sure what the best options are. Im assuming the cheapest option is making a very cheap pc to stream my high end pc on but im not sure how to get the best experience on the stream. Can someone point me in the best direction. My current Computer: EVGA 1080ti FTW3 Intel i7 8700k Corsair 16GB 3200Mhz Samsung 970 M.2 500GB WD Blue SSD 1TB
  5. Hello, I finally decided to do a custom water cooled loop. i know mixing metals is bad but i can't seem to find an answer about whether or not Nickel and Brass would be an issue. Here are the parts: - CPU block: Nickel - GPU block: Nickel - Radiator: Copper fins and Brass Chambers. https://www.amazon.com/EKWB-EK-FC1080-FTW3-Waterblock-Nickel/dp/B07CVSL8W4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537308619&sr=8-1&keywords=ekwb+1080+ti+ftw3 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BHZ7JG1/?coliid=IJOHCDF5VC6XU&colid=Y8TIFMDX4UDJ&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078G4Q21K/?coliid=I1KFTY96SBK5CH&colid=Y8TIFMDX4UDJ&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Reservoir: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0772XBK85/?coliid=I2OJ5O0NJAITWV&colid=Y8TIFMDX4UDJ&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  6. Hello, i was wondering if anyone can confirm this. Someone told me that you can sync up the RGB from an EVGA 1080ti to an Asus Motherboard if you do this. "The Asus Motherboard is wired GRB, the EVGA products are wired RGB. On the very back of the EVGA video card is the LED header, 4 pin, 1 red wire, three black wires. You do NOT need to disassemble the card, just unplug the header and connect it, however you want, to the LED header on the MB. The red wire is +12, then RGB. You cannot break the LEDs. They are Diodes, power flows through them one way, period." photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP1naShQXzvWcILDLVIf2gvu67sVNKFORKhBYXibptk81bn7KGR_nFh3_LvyqpnBQ/photo/AF1QipN3OhWNLgtlp-8C4Gb-A6-m7BmdbR8Ccsuz2x0G?key=My1ZcnVxZFlGcGZYOHpza0RRdE8yWXdUcmRPeXZn