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  1. I want to overclock, RGB isnt important and Id like sata ports and type c support
  2. Help me find the best 1080p 144hz monitor for around 200 dollars. I do not need freesync because I am using a nvidia card, I just want 144hz, decent response time and good images
  3. What is the best value motherboard for an 8700k?
  4. What is the best gtx 1080 variant with good value?
  5. I wasnt expecting Gsync lol, the initial one was the best choice?
  6. Well can you suggest another monitor whether 60 hz or 75 hz at the lowest budget and highest quality image at that price point
  7. How do I use freesync from the VGA port. I also hv a Nvidia graphics card so wil lthat work?
  8. Or is there just a cable for that hdmi to display port
  9. Wait are you saying I need to get a display port adapter and buy a display port cable too?
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-SB220Q-Ultra-Thin-Frame-Monitor/dp/B07CVL2D2S/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1534759628&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=monitor&psc=1 This one is 75Hz and Freesync. The AOC you recommended seems to have pretty good colours, is it worth an extra 50-60 bucks tho
  11. Yeah, Im kind of a value guy so a few dollars may count. Do you think that the monitor you recommended through the link is better than the 90 dollar one previously mentioned with the same specs but difference in screen size. The price is a 60 dollar difference.
  12. Humans are never pleased so I know when I downgrade to a lower screen it will feel much smaller
  13. I have a 23 inch right now and it does the job, but I broke it when I tried to clean the screen lol.