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  1. Im planning on slapping a GTX 980 or 1050 into a PC I have but everywhere I look I only find cards that are around like 200 to 400 dollars. My set budget for the card is around 100 bucks so if anyone can help me locate a website or something that would be helpful, Thanks!
  2. Also would this work better? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qJbYQZ
  3. I have tge ram and storage covered. Thanks.
  4. Im wondering if a 300w power supply would work. Its an old one and its meant for work PC's so I may not. I've done some research but nothing conclusive so im asking for some help on this one. Heres the list of other parts. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xkzLw6 Btw I have the rest of the parts covered.
  5. This is the PC I have but more cable organization. :l
  6. Mine has more space and il take out that huge clunky cooler. I dont have the huge drive bay.
  7. I can help with the cooler. The CPU will come with a stock cooler, but you may want to upgrade later in time.
  8. I need some help. I have a old hp compaq 5850 case lying around. Im wonder if I can fit some parts in it. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4cyz4C Here are the parts. Thanks for the help. Also if your wondering why im putting a computer in that case its because.. Why not?
  9. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/G8crYT How do you think of this pc? Btw the parts that are missing I have.
  10. Prob 450 at most. I dont need much.
  11. Ram is DDR3 Hard drive has 250 gb's of Data with windows xp APU Should be fine if it can run small low end games. Thanks!
  12. Im attempting to build my first PC but I have a fixed budget of around 350 to 400 dollars. Lemme explain what I want from it. Usage: Mostly low end games like minecraft and stuff like that. Sometimes mid ranged games but not very often. Spare parts: I have 8gb Of spare value ram. DDR3 A spare old hard drive. 250 GB and A old PSU 300W And I already have Monitor and other stuff like that. Requirements. I ask that it can run low games at 30 to 50 fps, If you cant do that for the budget Oh well. I want it small like a micro build If you can. Thanks for you help!