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  1. I updated my graphics card drivers and double the amount of ram my minecraft has access to and nothing has changed
  2. multiplayer ( private server of like 10 people )
  3. i get roughly 23 fps on average when i have the BSL shaders set to low performance with my RTX 3070, Ryzen 5600X and 32 gb’s of 3600mhz ram- i don’t understand as someone i know with a 1660 super is able to run it at 70fps and my settings were changed to the exact same as his ( High performance) and i got about 35 fps. please help, i’m confused.
  4. So im thinking about buying the Beyerdynamic's DT 990 Edition Headphones at 250 ohms but i don't know what amp i would need. I have been looking at some and the Fiio E10K headphone amp looks like it will work. I also don't know anything about ohms so will there be any difference if i get the 32 ohms instead which i know don't need an amp at all. So will the Amp work and if not what would you recommend?
  5. Okay so i have been looking into getting the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0's wireless that would mainly be used for Gaming but also music on the side. I would like to know if they have Surround sound if not does anyone have any good options for Headphones that are around $100 - $250?
  6. what if it was an i7-8700 with 1070?
  7. So if i was to play Fortnite with this pc - " https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/bHDmmq " while streaming in around 720p. How much fps would i averagely get ?
  8. I am building a pc for my 12th b-day on the 18th and i would like to know if any parts are incompatible with each other, also if there is anything you'd like to change about the PC tell me what it is. ( my budget is around 1150 Pounds ) U.K Link - https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/Jbcytg <--- where i live U.S Link - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Jbcytg
  9. yeh thnx but i found out you need a pretty costly motherboard for it =/