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Everything posted by Stentorian

  1. Hi all, I'm getting a specs list for a friend of mine who lives in South Africa (I live in the UK). They have someone who can build the PC for them, but doesn't know what parts to buy. Please see the below information and send over your suggestions Budget (including currency): 25,000 ZAR (~$1300 USD) Country: South Africa Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: The PC would only be used for basic games to begin with (Stardew Valley, Sims, etc.), but slowly branching out to more demanding games in the near future (Assassin's Creed, GTA, etc.). However, I want this to be future proofed to give it a longer lifespan before upgrading. Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): The parts will be bought in South Africa. I'm not entirely sure on the "go-to" PC stores in the area. A quick look on Google produces places like https://www.wootware.co.za/ and https://amptek.co.za/, however, I do not know the reputation of these brands. There is currently no access to Amazon in the country. I have been giving a requirement for the computer: 8-core CPU, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD and a GPU with at least 6GB VRAM (preferably Nvidia). If I can get more for the budget, then I am obviously happy to go above these, but these are the minimum requirements. Both wired and wireless options for the motherboard, please Case - Nothing extremely large, but still easy to build in and maintain. It would need to have some sort of resistance against cat hair. No colour preference. Account for a Windows 11 Home license in the budget (OEM, not a key)
  2. I'm presuming you're a relatively new viewer of LTT content. Dark humour jokes like these have been made since I first started watching 5 years ago and it'll never change. The WAN show is even more unhinged and at some points, I question why LTT don't just make a South Park episode with how their humour is. Also it was 5 people who died, all of whom were billionaires that had put no thought into why they should pay $150,000 to get in a submersible craft that had not been fully tested nor approved and was controlled by a Logitech PC Controller. That incident was just a pure example of that money can't buy you common sense.
  3. Hi! I am currently in the process of setting up Sonarr, Radarr and Prowlarr on a docker stack alongside Qbittorrent and Gluetun (VPN). I have the below docker-compose file put into Portainer and everything starts fine and I can access it using a port forwarding tunnel, however, I cannot get Prowlarr and Sonarr to communicate with each other. I have tried putting the VPN on a separate network next to Gluetun to see if that helps as the issue only started occurring once I added the VPN, but it seems to have not resolved anything. There's no logs in any of the containers and I have tried using direct docker IPs over `http://sonarr:9696`, but that also didn't work. The only error I have is from my browser console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Any help would be appreciated please. EDIT: It seems as though the VPN isn't working properly either for Qbittorrent, so that issue also needs resolving
  4. Stentorian

    Budget Sound

    Hi, I'm looking for something that won't break the bank, but will provide good quality sound to my computer, especially dealing with bass-heavy music and loud audio with no distortion. I currently use a pair of Logitech speakers that are almost as old as me (released in 2006) and anything that isn't classical jazz distorts the audio on them, including the LTT intro. I'm not really sure what my budget is, just something that is reasonable to buy as a one-off payment and something that can be stored on my desk (probably nothing bigger than 20x20cm). I'm down for any suggestions (UK stores) please! Thanks
  5. Thank you all for your reply. My issue is that I can't just "throw them out". I'm terrible for hoarding and all my possessions are like it. Memories of my childhood in which my parents would throw several black bags of things away, just because I ran out of space in my tiny room, means I don't rely on other people for help organise it in fear they will throw everything away. I guess they also have a monetary value to me (even if it is a few pennies). When I get the time, I'd like to go through and test them as I know some of them straight up don't work (most of the 24-pin old Apple cables I have, for example), but it was more looking for ways to organise everything overall. I just had a look at those. My problem is I'm in a really small room. I've had to move my cupboard to our spare bedroom so that I could fit an Ikea desk in its place for my work from home setup. I think I'll throw away broken cables or ones that wont ever need a use, and keep them organised in the plastic box I have until I move out and get more storage room and move them into one of the Drona boxes from IKEA. Thank you all for your help!
  6. Hi there everyone, I'm not sure if I put this post in the correct place or not, so please move it accordingly. I've been meaning to write this post for a while now and keep forgetting to do so. Im struggling to get some sleep at the moment so I thought I'd write it now and get it out of the way. It's mainly just a case of curiosity, but also I've been needing a new way of organizing things myself. I'm quite the hoarder when it comes to tech. I keep every cable I've ever gotten, even the cheap crappy micro USB cables that come with most generic products on Amazon. I keep them for the "just in-case" moment. Some of them have had their uses. I've had family members who have needed a generic lightning or USB c cable and I've got one to hand to lend to them. But, then there's also ones like the fact that I still own the proprietary headphones that came with the original Sony Ericssons. I don't want to throw anything away, but I want to be able to find a way to keep it better organized. Currently, I use a big plastic tub in which I have Ziploc bags for each category of cable. I have them labeled using sticky notes, however it's not useful when you have over 15 Ziploc bags and it's difficult to find a cable when you need one. I have very limited space and would like the most efficient way possible of storing cables without taking up too much space. I'm not necessarily looking for recommendations, but I'm more interested in what everyone else is doing in terms of storing cables, whether that would be professionally or personally. Please let me know what you do to store your cables (pictures would be helpful, but not a necessity). Many thanks, Ben
  7. This is the issue. They used to have that as a feature, but then removed the ability to exclude certain folders. I kind of wish they'd incorporate something like a .gitignore file for Google Drive, but it's Google and asking for something like that is like asking a bank for free money. I will have a look at the automated .zip solution. Thanks for your help!
  8. I am aware of the alternatives such as Git and I use GitHub for a majority of my projects. This is just as a backup for anything that I haven't committed and I have a lot of projects that although GitHub has private projects, I don't want to put on GitHub and afterall, I don't pay for 100GB Google Drive for nothing.
  9. Hi there. So I'm currently experiencing some issues with Google Drive and NPM. I am using the new Google Drive on Windows (if I remember correctly, used to be called Google Filestream). The issue basically involves the fact that when I do npm install in a Node.JS directory, it tells me that the <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/node_modules folder doesn't exist. Using the same project files and package.json in my local Downloads folder worked absolutely fine and installed everything like it was supposed to. The full error is as below: npm ERR! code ENOTDIR npm ERR! syscall mkdir npm ERR! path G:\My Drive\Coding\1. Node\1. Discord.JS\SleepBot\node_modules npm ERR! errno -4052 npm ERR! ENOTDIR: not a directory, mkdir 'G:\My Drive\Coding\1. Node\1. Discord.JS\SleepBot\node_modules' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\stent\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2022-03-13T17_06_01_171Z-debug.log The log file mentioned above has been attached to this post. And my package.json: { "name": "sleepbot", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A custom bot to fix the brat's sleep schedule", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [ "sleepbot" ], "author": "Stentorian", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "ascii-table": "^0.0.9", "chalk": "^4.1.2", "cron": "^1.8.2", "discord.js": "^13.6.0", "fs": "^0.0.1-security", "moment": "^2.29.1", "ms": "^2.1.3" } } If anyone could help, that'd be great! 2022-03-13T17_06_01_171Z-debug.log
  10. Ahh okay, I see what you mean. Yeah, as long as it has space for all my components, I don't really care about anything else. Thank you for your suggestion! Although I like the design, I have a small budget that cannot stretch to almost £200 just for a case. But thank you for your suggestion
  11. What complex features is it missing? To me, it just looks like a normal case but that's probably because the PC's I have had have always been like basic Dell systems that my family bought and handed down to me after a few years.
  12. I do like that case and it still looks like it has plenty of room to circulate air. Thank you!
  13. Yes this will be fine. It's like how in Windows there's an option to "Restart and Shut Down" and when you turn the PC back on, it does updates. Works the exact same in any other OS. Just make to shut it down properly and not by force shutting it down (e.g. pulling the power cord)
  14. I like the look of it, just a little bit on the pricey side. I don't really have an income so it's just using money from my savings and I'm looking to spread my savings across multiple things.
  15. Okay, so I've been looking for a new case now as my current one is a used one from a friend that they gave me with the rest of the PC and it's battered to hell and needs upgrading. I have a very small desk and even smaller once I can finally get a 1080p monitor. I am just looking for a case that can fit an MSI Z390-A-PRO into it, alongside the usual power supply and 3 drives (one SSD and two full sized HDDs). My graphics card at the moment is a GTX 750 but I will be possibly getting a GTX 1650 once my friend can afford a 3000 series, so enough room for that. I also don't have that much money to spend on it so something decently cheap and UK links please. Please let me know any suggestions you have
  16. Well the solution you said did it. I feel dumb that it was that simple. I never knew that to be honest. I've got MySQL working for now and as long as it works, I'll continue using it. I thought they were two similar but different things. A bit like MongoDB but more similar to MySQL. Thank you for the help though!
  17. Apologies for the late response, I went to sleep. Still errored as before and did the same journalctl command you listed above and got this: There was another error beforehand that asked to do mysqld -initialize which I did and it's still failing.
  18. To your first question: I was attempting to install a service called Pterodactyl onto my machine and the SQL was always messing up. For some reason MariaDB was installed and I know it's similar to MySQL but I'm more familiar with MySQL and wanted to change it over to fix the issue. Also for the things you requested, check the below screenshots:
  19. Hi, it's me again back with another issue with Linux (i'm a massive noob). Anyways, I recently wanted to switch from MariaDB back to MySQL. I did the whole apt purge mariadb* thing and then attempted to install with apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client and I get the lovely error in the screenshot below. I have also attached the journalctl output too (which isn't much help). I have tried everything I can find on the internet to help from this, to this, to this. Alongside other posts too and none of them have helped. This means I'm relying on the geniuses on this forum to help me so if you have any suggestions, it would be amazing. I have no concern for data loss on the database side of things as there's nothing important. Thanks in advanced!
  20. I sent this video to my friend because we had a similar predicament before. His dad put together his computer back in like 2013 (can't remember exactly) and it was boasting some really old i3 and a GTX 750. Because I was the "tech nerd" my friend trusted, he gave me a £500 (or more, I can't remember) budget to upgrade his PC to not be a potato anymore. The only downside is he was 90 miles away from me and I was 13 at the time, so I had to instruct him on how to do it all over a FaceTime call (back when I owned an iPhone ew). We bought a RAM upgrade (2x4gb to 2x8gb), a new CPU (i5-8400), a cooler for said CPU, a GTX 1660, an SSD and a new powersupply because his current one looked like a Wish power supply and didn't have any sort of efficiency rating attached to it. Parts all arrived and I instructed him to take it all apart to barebones. First issue was that he bent the pins on his current motherboard (thankfully not the CPU), so had to consult his Dad to borrow money for a new motherboard. Then whilst asking which cooler he should use for the new motherboard, I told him to use the new one and he showed me the bottom of the old cooler for some reason (i can't remember) and I remember still seeing the label on it with the factory thermal compound behind the label. I sighed at him and we carried on with the built etc. Finally finished the build and yet he was still booting off a hard drive and told me he was getting 12 minute boot times. I thought that was just normal hard drive boot times but boy was I wrong. Skipping ahead a few years (literally a few months ago) and I now have his old PC, just with the 750 he used to have until he can buy an RTX card and I get his 1660 (no, i didn't pay for it, because i built him a completely brand new pc for no labour charge in exchange for his old pc). He has 2 cats and the PC has never been cleaned so I took it fully apart and air compressed it all (also made me find out i'm allergic to cats) and I go to turn it on after reassembling it because I needed his data off his boot drive (still the same hard drive) and I let it sit for a whole half hour and it just wouldn't boot. Turns out the drive had been on the way out for years, but the transport on the way to my house (thanks DPD for your careful shipping) had completely killed it. I still have it incase I find a way to recover data off it because there's some things on there he still needs, but can't afford to recover it professionally. I installed Windows onto the SSD cuz that was my plan anyways because only boomers use HDDs to boot off and I tried to plug in the hard drive as a secondary and it'd boot loop if I plugged it in and turned the machine on and nothing would happen whatsoever if I plugged it in whilst my machine was already booted. So conclusion of the really long winded story is to find yourself a rich but tech dumb friend, upgrade their PC for them and wait 3 years and you get yourself a decent machine that can play a good range of games and even more once GPU prices fall (in 2055). OH and check their CPU coolers and hard drive health.
  21. PERFECT! Thank you so much! You've just saved me like a good hour of Googling trying to find something. I appreciate it!
  22. YOU BLOODY GENIUS! That is exactly what I'm looking for . I will show him the demo when I see him next and I'll get it implemented. Do you know if it supports embedding inside of a website? If not, I'll just create a HTML main page and then have that as a like /booking on the domain.
  23. Apologise for the late response but that is scarily close to the one I got. I guess they're probably all made in the same factory. Here's the one I got https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DPNZJ9M The only perk to the one you sent that would be quite handy is the charging two batteries in one as I always forget to charge mine like a dumbass.
  24. Solution Just posting my solution that I found after almost a year. I'm just closing threads I've opened with solutions so here is mine: https://mailcow.email/ Works within Docker and is easy to set up and a very nice interface and very customisable with multiple domain support. 10/10 experience so far!
  25. Have you tried looking at whether the drivers are up to date. To simplify the process, you could use DriversCloud which is a trusted way of updating multiple drivers at once. Sadly it might not all be done automatically due to some installers (like Intel's) requiring a lot of user intervention. Another possibility if that doesn't work is that the network card on your motherboard (or whatever you're using) is defunct. Maybe try getting a PCIe network card to see if that helps.