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  1. Hello everyone, I bought this pre-built PC almost 3 years ago: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/2P2RFt Now I'm thinking of upgrading it or even buying a new one and need some advice. I was thinking I should upgrade it part by part as I get more money. Right now I have around 250 Euro for my first upgrade. I use this PC for gaming and coding (I'm an IT student). Also I usually run many programs at the same time (running a browser with many tabs, a few terminals, some code editor, ftp client, discord, spotify, skype etc.). As you probably already noticed I don't have an SSD yet and I think that would be a great first upgrade. But do I buy a smaller one only for OS and let the HDDs handle the rest or get a bigger one and put my games to get faster load times? How big of an impact does SSD has on game performance? Or should I upgrade something else that will give me a bigger performance boost? I'm not sure how old my PC looks and maybe it's not worth upgrading and I'm better off just saving my money and buying a completely new one? Thank you for your advice