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  1. Ha okay, thanks everyone. I was planning on building my own 2000eu pc anyways. I just don't have the money yet, that's why I wanted to buy a 35eu GPU. I guess I'll just have to wait a few weeks untill I have enough money haha.
  2. This is all I can find on it. I also can't open the PSU unless I cut it in half or something.
  3. Hello, I have a question about my PSU. I bought a computer about 3 years ago and it has a non-modular PSU. There is no graphics card in my PC, so I want to buy one. The problem is that my PSU only has 1 cable left, but I don't know if this works on a graphics card. In the pictures you can see which port/cable it is. I don't know the name, I'm sorry, I hope you do. This is the graphics card I was going to buy: https://www.newfrog.com/product/gtx-750ti-2gb-128bit-gddr5-graphics-card-for-nvidia-geforce-203246?currency=EUR&gclid=CjwKCAjw9qfZBRA5EiwAiq0AbecCBi3_8Mhe8yc1ut3QcKwjxNn5NR77dP6GhC1_2mYvq2HtyJmf4hoCphQQAvD_BwE It comes with a 6pin power connector with 2 other connectors on the backside. My question: Does the cable in the pictures fit on the cable that comes with the GPU? If not, are there any cables that I can buy that will connect these 2 cables together? Thanks for helping!