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  1. to be honest i still haven't studied how much the graphics card will affect my workflow, but i work with video /image editing, vfx, 3d models and programming. plus graphic design. also haven't really paid attention to amd gpu's since everyone talks so much about nvidia, but i can't say that i wouldn't miss those sweet nvideo programs and boosts... still ill look into it. gpu's and ram are the final touch since i'm hoping that the prices drop a bit after the beggining of fall.
  2. thanks for the opinion. as for the monitor i will leave it like that at least for the begginings of my life in the pc building world since it was kind of a love on first sight thing
  3. ill be on the lookout for that when i buyy the gpu. its the last thing ill buy most probably.
  4. Hey guys. I'm wondering if you could give me you opinion on this build. It's my first build and I'd like to start buying it soon, but still Want to hear opinions to be exactly sure of what to buy. I'm aiming for a simple 1 monitor full hd mostly for work and some gaming. only peripheral ill buy is the moonitor as i have everything else already. Europe based build btw. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cDqdq4 Would like to hear some comments!
  5. Thanks for the info. Only problem in that is that I'm going for a 27 inches monitor... I have the exact space for it and don't want a lot of that space showing by going with less that 27.
  6. Hi all, I'm starting to build my first ever pc build and I'm going to buy the first parts I can afford for now this next week. One of those parts is a monitor. right now I have a set monitor that I wanted to buy since the day I saw it. But, since this is my first build and I don't have to much experience in the matter I came to you guys to ask for advice. The monitor I wanted to buy is the Curved MSI Optix G27C2, but i was also recommended by a friend to look at a 2k or even 4k monitor . My question is: What should I buy? Since I'll use the pc to game a bit but it'll be more of a work pc should i give the extra bucks for 4k, even though some programs i work with won't work with that resolution?