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  1. When i get good frames they are consistend, and CPU usage is fine.
  2. I've read some replies and they think it's a driver issue, as I get really good fps on some games such as Rainbow Six where i get 100 fps+ on Ultra.
  3. Well in that case, it also shows Intel? Is this the onboard graphics drivers?
  4. I have already deleted NVidia drivers withthis program, but I can still click on to it, does that mean I still have them?
  5. I get 40FPS on LOW settings mostly only on the games i mentioned. Other games like Rainbow Six, I get 100+ fps on Ultra.
  6. So you would recommend buying a new CPU? Do I already have the best one for my socket, and I will have to buy a new motherboard?
  7. I made sure to see if the CPU would bottleneck my GPU and bottlenecker.com says it won't.
  8. Yes, I did, but I don't know if it worked, because NVidia still shows up in DDU as an option.
  9. This is really confusing me, because isn't the RX 580 magnitudes better than the GTX 1050? I used to be able to get over 60 fps on medium settings on watchdogs, space engineers, PUBG and garry's mod, on my gtx 1050. Now I can't even run them on low settings to get 60 fps (I only get 40). I need help from pcmasterrace pl0x. Specs: CPU - AMD FX 8320 GPU- Gigabyte Aorus RX 580 8GB RAM - 8gb 1600mhZ DDR3