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  1. Awesome. if you hear anything on those GPU feel free to let me know haha.
  2. Thanks for your help! appreciate it
  3. Thanks for the help resourceful information, means a lot. do you know where I can sign up or wait list for the GPU? and will it fix my current set up?
  4. Any idea on where I can find an inexpensive graphics card?
  5. That's very informative, yeah you are right i need a better GPU.
  6. Yeah you right i need a better GPU need to find one for a good price.
  7. Yeah i was thinking on going for a much better GPU but.....the prices on those Geforce GTX 1070 and above are pretty pricey. Any idea where i can find one for a good deal or anyone selling them that will fit my built?
  8. 4K video games such as GTA and so on. For the FPS I would say anywhere around 60. and not sure what graphical setting means.
  9. I am trying to build a PC that can run 4K, do video edits, and livestream with my PS4 CHECK OUT MY BUILD: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Bw2kJ8 will this build work and is it worth it???
  10. yeah i was thinking of going with Ryzen
  11. Rendering as in vlogs, video for youtube, gaming videos some streaming as well. maybe not render so many projects as once maybe thats pushing it.
  12. Awesome will take a look at it Thanks!