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  1. Hello,witch gpu shoud I take to not bottlenek my non K i7-8700?
  2. Can you tell me where in the TV settings like wich label.
  3. A few month ago I baught a Cenava mini PC but when I connect it to my TV (Panasonic Viera 45') I do not see the whole screen some parts are cuted off.If you have any idea of how to fix it please tell me.(changing the resolution do not solve the problem).
  4. I woud recomend you this one if you are using a AMD cart because it has amd freesync https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824011157CVF&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwordsCA-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwordsCA-PC-_-pla-_-Gaming+Monitors-_-N82E16824011157CVF&gclid=CjwKCAjw7IbaBRBqEiwA6AyZgjXgtAdih3yHpDu9DYtzpeFdODPy1yRjxPj2hny6PrP5KQgHCFK2hxoCC1YQAvD_BwE
  5. But do I have to connect it to the power supply ?
  6. I have a warranty a windows 10 pro included and all the cable management is already done.
  7. https://www.costco.com/Dell-Inspiron-Desktop---Intel-Core-i7---GeForce-GT-1030---Windows-10-Pro.product.100416901.html this one
  8. So the i7-8700 with a 16gig of ram and the rx 560 shoud be giving me how much fps?
  9. Do you tink a 1050 (not ti) woud perform better than the 560?
  10. i was interessed by the 560 because it shoud be able to sell this 1030 for around the same price
  11. This one is looking nice i will try to buy the pc sell the 1030 and then buy this 560 thanks for your help
  12. before i was doing my art stuff on a 750ti and i heart that theese 2 cart have very similar performance that why i went with a 1030