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    Australia, Melbourne
  1. I'm running a 4770k @ 4.5Ghz and have a sapphire r9 290 trix oc When I try 40v40 battles I get really bad fps no matter what my settings are (but with the unit size at huge) my GPU looks to be the culprit as it goes from 0% to 100% utilization while my CPU sits at 40% wanna know if this is normal behavior for this game
  2. I want to eventually upgrade from my 1080p IPS 50hz monitor (dunno what model it is) to something bigger, 1440p 144hz something. Keeping in mind im in australia, would you recommend i upgrade my card first, or get a new monitor? I play lots of total war and shooters.
  3. Definitely under 1k for budget I'm considering looking for some used stuff but i dont know where to look Im so sick of PC part prices in australia, this build is literally $300 cheaper in the US and prices are probably going to spike higher due to the AUD Straya, the land of rich white old men and their leader the glorious minister for women Tony Abbott
  4. Hi tech people building a friend a PC seeing he is tired of playing WoW, minecraft and his other steam games on his laptop with intel 500 graphics This is the build ive got in mind http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/h6WhZL As I said i'm in Australia so i'm very limited on choice Any recommendations on what to change would be appreciated
  5. decided to go with this 290 http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1575&products_id=26373 fits my build and its the best price i can find (i can pickup from this place and they are always reliable) thanks for all the help guys
  6. just realized its a 750W when i got home bit overkill for my 550, this was an upgrade from a scrapped system so its a little wierd
  7. They are sitting at about $460 - $500 atm doesn't look like the price has dropped, is the 290X better price to performance?
  8. Im pretty sure its an earthwatt but ill make sure to check that when I get home.
  9. CPU: 4790k MOBO: ASUS z87 DELUXE RAM: 2x4GB G.Skill ARES PSU: 500W Antec Im in Australia PC hardware is expensive
  10. Have been wanting to upgrade from my struggling ausus gtx 550 for a while now and I finally have the money for a decent graphics card (approx $400) My two main options for my new card are - R9 290 approx $420 R9 280X approx $340 GTX 970 approx $500 GTX 960 approx $300 all prices are basically what is available to me where I am (straya) so i dont need suggestions on where to buy (unless there is some ridiculously cheap vendor somewhere that staticICE doesnt have) In terms of what im using it for I play WoW, Skyrim (w/ Mods) and Rome Total War at 1080p opinions on what i should be getting would be greatly appreciated
  11. I Have been an avid user of PC Case Gear but can never find anything but reds and blues?
  12. Any Keyboards exclusively come in brown? they are the only real ones I can find
  13. Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately I have found it hard to find anywhere near to where I live that has key type demos, Australia has also seems to have limited choice with key switches as they have to be shipped. Keyboards like the ducky shine I can only find in reds or blues. I would really prefer some heavier switches and this is what I was able to find. Does anyone know if its a good keyboard? I had a look at some Razer keyboards earlier and heard bad things on them so I don't want to be trumped on quality.
  14. Community of Tech! I am a common entry level gamer who wishes to treat his fingers to the finest quality of keyboards money can buy. I have absolutely no experience in mechanical keyboards and would like advice on switch types and models. Judging on my current membrane keyboard I definitely want heavy switches. As for the rest I play dota a lot and I do require things like easier to do double tapping. Currently I have been looking at Thermaltake's MEKA G Unit with Cherry MX black's Love to hear your suggestions!
  15. Love PCPartPicker, and used it frequently when looking for what is compatible with what (especially weird RAM voltages). The reason I don't compare retailers is PCCG the place i got all my parts from (except mobo and CPU but thats another story) has been incredibly reliable and easy to access, even if it means i pay $20 more. By the looks of it I personally am not going to find an MSI lightning because it sounds like most of the features i wouldn't use seeing i haven't overclocked anything before (but I will!) and because they are hard to find and a hit to the hip pocket. The question now is mostly weather I go for a phantom or the EVGA, and weather I pay $50 for a memory increase. This said I do play with mods on a lot of games including skyrim. These in which I had some problems because my GTX560 couldn't handle them (500mb aprox). I am leaning toward the 4gb side just to be safe, but inform if I'm wrong please because that fifty can go toward my first SSD