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  1. Hi, I've been trying to find a way to get a surface pro 6 to South Africa without paying too much tax and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas? Amazon doesn't deliver them to here
  2. The Alienwares are seriously overpriced where i stay. Ok awesome, I was also hearing good things about the new G line up. Thanks bro
  3. Thanks for answering all my questions, I appreciate you staying
  4. I have no idea how to get LM in South Africa though lol, dont think gentechpc is a thing here either. Importing will be a problem because of tax and whatnot but ill see what i can do. The aero i was referring to was the one with a 1070 but that would only make cooling matters worse i guess lol. A review I saw the other day said how some people have no thermal throttling at all with the laptop while some do. Sounds like bs but then couldnt i order the laptop and send back if its an issue on my one? idk im just taking a long shot. Are there any beefier laptops (not light) that are powerful with good battery life? I know the 8th gen laptops are a recent thing so you think something else similarly spec would come out?
  5. I don't need to game on battery, just need it to last when I'm out coding etc. I play every type of game, from witcher to 2d games. update, didnt see your question: Ok so i need it to last for lectures and when im on campus. Idk how many hours, is the battery considered good or average?
  6. Well, I might game on battery but most of the time I don't think so. So I can play games when I have some spare time or when I'm with friends. I don't want my options to be limited when im out and about. Now that you mentioned it, are there any all-rounded laptops with good battery life that you would recommend? Like on the other end of the spectrum (i.e Cheap). I'm either going balls to the walls or budget that can meet my requirements. sorry for all the questions
  7. I'll only be coding and stuff on battery so that sounds great. Thanks for the help I appreciate it
  8. Hmm, about the aero, isn't that just for unrealistic synthetic stress tests that makes it mediocre? I want a laptop that can game, last reasonably long without a charger and everything else and so the 2018 aero seems like my best bet so far, thoughts? What would your idea of an 'all-in-one' be?
  9. Linus did a video on the Asus gl503vs-dh74 (the carbon fiber scar edition laptop) and the only one I can find where I live is the gl503vs-EI067R. They have the exact same specs and this laptop is on special and it's the best deal I've come across. What is the difference between the two? Which laptop would you recommend for university (Computer Science)? I know the battery life is shocking on this laptop but I want to be able to do everything on it (even though I have a gaming pc) and compared to everything else it seems like a no-brainer. There are laptops with 1060s with the same price but... 1070 I'm from South Africa so the prices are in rands, here are some of my options, I don't really want to spend more than R30k: https://www.evetech.co.za/gigabyte-aero-15w-v8-core-i7-gtx-1060-gaming-laptop-deal/laptops-for-sale/7807.aspx https://www.evetech.co.za/asus-gl503vs-core-i7-gtx-1070-g-sync-gaming-laptop-deal/laptops-for-sale/7848.aspx https://www.evetech.co.za/asus-gm501gm-core-i7-gtx-1060-gaming-laptop-deal/laptops-for-sale/7344.aspx Idk what else. What about a dell xps with better battery life but still with gaming capabilities? What are my other options of laptops that offer both? Update: I saw some reviews on the gigabyte aero 15x and i wouldnt mind paying a bit more for it, thoughts? https://www.evetech.co.za/gigabyte-aero-15x-v8-gtx-1070-gaming-laptop-deal/laptops-for-sale/7808.aspx