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  1. Hi, I am looking for a NAS alternative, something that can hold multiple HDDs but connect via cable. Are there any good suggestions? I don't need NAS because I don't need that remote access or platforms. I just need something like external hard drives but I can add the storage or upgrade. Or should I just buy multiple external hard drives if they have the same performance?
  2. Do you have a decent B550M motherboard suggestion?
  3. Budget (including currency): $500-600 USD Country: USA Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): I want to upgrade my CPU and motherboard because they are having issues right now. Maybe I will need to change my CPU cooler too. I prefer air cooling. The build will use for gaming. Here is my current build:https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rzz6Cz. Please give me some suggestions thank you.
  4. I am planning to buy a new phone because my current one is not working well anymore. The battery is dying, and App is constantly shut down by itself. My current phone is iPhone7 plus, and I am thinking about change to android, but iPhone can still as an option. Oneplus 9 iPhone 12 Samsung S21 Which one should I consider? Any other suggestions?
  5. I want to upgrade my monitor since it is too old. But before that, I will like to know what kind of resolution and fresh rate my GPU can support. My GPU is Radeon (TM) RX 480. I am looking for a 24-27inches IPS monitor with a high refresh rate. The budget is $300 USD.
  6. I want to know the fastest way to transfer a large file, for example, 500GB - 1TB, from one hard drive to another. My external hard drive starts to show signs of the problem, so I am planning to transfer the file to a new hard drive.
  7. After a few days of consideration, I round up with the following choices: Samsung S10+ and Oneplus 7T. I have a few questions, does Andriod phone, specific Samsung, still have batteries problem, and which one is the better overall value? I do not change the phone very often unless I had to, so I want to pick one that can last longer without a fast dying battery and freeze problem.
  8. My reasons for upgrade my phone are I want a bigger screen to improving my reading experience. I am a college student, and I read a lot during transportation. Second, I don't need 5G, and I may not start to use it for a long time. Third, there are some issues with my iphone7, such as signal problem and freeze screen.
  9. My current phone is the iPhone 7 128Gb and I want to upgrade to android device because the iPhone 11 is too expensive. So, I want to know which flagship phone is better? My carrier is AT&T.
  10. I am not mean that smaller than the Meshify C, I mean smaller than my Rosewill case. I like the Meshify C case but it is not currently available in Amazon, so I am looking for an alternative if I am not able to buy that case.
  11. As long as it is smaller and well built than my current case, I can accept it.
  12. Do you have another suggestion? Because this case is now unavailable in Amazon.
  13. My case is too large and not well built, so I want to change to a smaller one. My requirement is well built, not taking a lot of space, and able to fit ATX motherboard. This is my current case: https://www.rosewill.com/product/rosewill-galaxy-03-black-gaming-atx-mid-tower-computer-case-3-fans-included-top-mounted-usb-3-0-port/.
  14. I bought this headset twice and each time it function perfectly after first time charging. But after the second time charging it creates a electric sound. I wanna know is it just my bad luck bought a defect one, or is anything I did that cause it?