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About suchaklutch

  • Birthday Jul 29, 2002

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  • Interests
    Streaming, gaming, and personal/team gfx.
  • Biography
    Never Stop.
  • Occupation
    School and Streaming

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  1. Wow, didn't realize that. Ok I'll go with the last one. Thanks man, have a good day
  2. Alright, I'll get the $509.99 Silent Version, they should work the same even though it doesn't have reviews. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Z6BTwP/evga-geforce-gtx-1070-ti-8gb-ftw-ultra-silent-gaming-video-card-08g-p4-6678-kr I'm going to go ahead and end this thread, thanks for an amazing first experience with LTT.
  3. Last thing, which card would you recommend? https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Z6BTwP/evga-geforce-gtx-1070-ti-8gb-ftw-ultra-silent-gaming-video-card-08g-p4-6678-kr (Cheapest) https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TFWrxr/msi-geforce-gtx-1070-ti-8gb-titanium-video-card-gtx-1070-ti-titanium-8g (I like MSI tbh) https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jNgzK8/evga-geforce-gtx-1080-8gb-sc-hybrid-gaming-video-card-08g-p4-5678-kr (Hybrid) https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jvwqqs/evga-geforce-gtx-1070-ti-8gb-sc-gaming-acx-30-black-edition-video-card-08g-p4-5671-kr (One more EVGA Variant) I've never been a fan of EVGA but I haven't tried them so lmk what you think.
  4. I'll go with the 1070ti, as for the fans, I'll listen to what you said and do the build you modified. If I choose to buy extra fans, 2 fans in the front and one in the back is probably what I'll do. Thanks for your help!
  5. That's true for the fans, although I did see one build be successful with the front fans (even though I don't want my pc looking like a vegas advertisement) : https://twitter.com/xelnaga15/status/925247414184955905 Alright, so two 120's should be sufficient. Now with the GPU, It'll probably a little bit as the prices are (apparently) coming down, but would you recommend a 1070ti or should I invest in a 1080/ti? Maybe when the new cards are released, the prices should come down right?
  6. Ok, I think I'll go with that. However, would you recommend using two 140mm fans? Or maybe swap the stock with the Enermax on the list? I like the ring look on the fans, Maybe two 120's (or 140's) in the front and a 120 in back?
  7. Ok so no AIO, right? And get the Mugen 5? Should I not buy fans like you said and have only one in the front for intake and one in the back for exhaust? Is that enough? PSU intake through the bottom? Thanks for helping. It seems all I need to find out now is the case fan configuration, GPU (I can get a new 1070ti for $500 or buy a 1080 relatively cheap on eBay), and whether to buy an additional case fan (Or two, and what size). Sorry for all the questions.
  8. That build you made is pretty solid, so you're definitely thinking the Air Cooling over the AIO? It's much cheaper but will it perform as good? I know liquid cooling doesn't always mean better, but I was thinking that if you can get an amazing cooler, with a novelty factor too , then aio could potentially be better. I'm not the expert tho, so I appreciate your help. Also, you would think front/bottom intake, and rear/top exhaust? Would I be better off choosing some 140's then? Thanks. (This is my first time using LTT and I'm loving it)
  9. Thanks for responding @WoodenMarker I understand the cooler might be overkill but from what I've seen it's worth the price. I Think flipping the PSU might be a good idea but as the cooler air is from the bottom of the case, I was thinking I should mount a fan there. I could also do the 240mm rad version and put it in the front with an additional normal case fan just above for pure airflow. Then I could have the exhaust in the back. Still, I don't know what to do with the top fans. I'm looking for Performance above looks (I could add leds additionally, that's why I went with the Meshify) and I thank you for helping me out, such fast times! I also read the thread where it says what to write about in the post, I have 1 monitor (CFG70), I'm upgrading since my old build is not the greatest, (i5-6402P, rx480, 500gb HDD, and that's about it, nothing special.) I have the chroma ornata and the Logitech g502 for my peripherals. But yea, thanks again for helping. PS: I'm going to be OC'ing too
  10. Hey, I've done a lot of research and I think I've finally come to a conclusion for my second build. I don't have a GPU in the build yet but I'll probably be getting a 1070ti or a 1080. I do gfx, stream, and a little bit of video editing. I was thinking about the i7-7700K but from what i've seen, the i5-8600K is incredible for the price. Also, apparently it's better for temps to put the radiator on the front.according to : But I also am trying to think how the air would best flow. I'm currently thinking about having 4 fans in my build (Not counting the aio), with the bottom fan for intake. I'm trying to see what I can do for the top two fans/the back one, airflow wise. Other than that, how's the build and what should I change in it and do for the fans. Thanks I'll also link a photo with a quick drawing of how it's set to be configured. Here is my build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/kcout0/saved/h9XD8d Here is the fan compatibility for my case (Meshify C): Cooling System: Top: 2x 120/140mm Fan Vents (Fans not included) Front: 3x 120 or 2x 140mm Fan Vents (1x Dynamic X2GP12 Fan is included) Rear: 1x 120mm Fan (1x Dynamic X2GP12 Fan) Bottom: 1x 120mm Fan Vent (Fan not included) Dust filters: Bottom fan + PSU Front fans Top panel Radiator: Front: 120/240/360mm 140/280mm Top: 120/240mm (max component height on motherboard 40mm) Rear: 120mm (max width 125mm)