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  1. Yes Monitor is 1080p and I play at that resolution
  2. Hi guys, I have decided to upgrade my gpu. I am stuck with what card to get. I have found the rx580, 980ti and the 1070, all used at an affordable price. The current prices are: RX580 8gb - £245 ($337) 980ti - £330 ($453) 1070 - £360 ($495) Again these cards are not brand new, they are used. I am currently thinking to get the RX580 and then crossfire with another 580 next year? Would this be worth it? Or shall i spend the extra money now on a 1070? The reason the 980ti is on my mind is because I know it can be overclocked and get slightly better performance than the 1070, my only worry is that 980ti being an older card, will the 1070 perform better in a year or twos time? The games I play are mainly fps and rpg. So Battlefield, Wildlands, far cry, Squad, The Witcher, Fallout, Kingdom Come: Deliverance etc. Any help would be appreciated