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Polycarbonate plates are weirdly nice and yet also downright crude to use. Their softness is in stark contrast to a brass plate's hard bottom out but the softness of polycarbonate promotes quieter switches like the 62g Sakurios, effectively making the bottom out a pillow as well as dampening the noise as well even further than a regular metal plate.


I'm putting my lubed 62g Sakurios back into Echelon 2 since I didn't like the sound signature of the Creams nor the feel, so the Sakurios with their gorgeous quiet noise floor and velvety-smooth keyswitch feel are coming back.



  1. LukeSavenije


    your relationship with sakurios has been... interesting so far


    I'll follow the pillowstory along

  2. Cyberspirit


    Are the sakurios not sticky anymore or have you gotten used to them?

  3. jiyeon


    The Sakurios are a tricky one @Cyberspirit, they're not longer sticky but they're also not as smooth as before. When I was putting them back in and pressing some down to test, I could hear chafing and can only assume that's the lube wearing off. Not sure what happened in the few weeks that they were in a jar.


    They're a little too light and hollow to me, but they're still perfectly fine linears that I'd take over something like a Cherry Red.
