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Ctrl Alt Petite

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  1. Do you think this rig will last me 2-3 years? Run modern games at least at medium settings 60fps
  2. Thanks, for the next 2-3 years I will play in 1080p but I like my graphics to run at least on medium and I'm picky about the frame-rate. I like the performance of the 1060 even if this version has fewer CUDA but I'm worried about the Vram. Maybe I'm overthinking it and I should just make a decision, buy or wait probably won't go wrong either way.
  3. It's definitely a good deal but as some have pointed out the new series isn't far away and I think my purchasing power will improve over the next 6 months. The motherboard is a ASUS Prime Z370, is that upgradeable? I'm lost when it comes to motherboards tbh
  4. That was my first thought but the only parts left would be the HDD and chassis, and it would actually end up costing a similar amount as this new package, outside my budget if I were to get the 6GB version and a better CPU. What do you think about getting the deal from the OP and the upgrade my GPU in 2 years or so, will I be CPU bound at that point you think?
  5. Yes I believe so though I actually don't remember more than that it's an old i5 atm.
  6. Yes that crossed my mind but I have no experience selling parts, I'm not sure how long it would take to find a buyer willing to pay given that this card is... well not necessarily the most future proof.
  7. Great effort compiling that but I'm based in a high-tax country where this package I'm looking at really is a good deal. However I won't be able to afford 1170+ this year and I don't know when the 1160 will drop. If I do decide to wait though I think I will hold off on everything and build a proper rig around the new card I choose. Really on th fence about this whole thing both you and App4 make a lot of sense.
  8. Yeah I'm inclined to agree but then again the new GTX series is rumored to not be far off so maybe it would be a better long-term investment to save up
  9. Well my current rig is old the only salvageable parts would be the HDD (yeah no SSD) and the chassis so I'd rather just get a new build. It's about time tbh
  10. Weird, maybe I should save up for a 1160 build next year although the wait will be agonizing.
  11. I guess I can always upgrade in the future, but then again if I chill for a couple of months the price might drop as nVidia launch their new series Sry I don't follow what you're asking about the i3?
  12. It's a complete build for about 600 in US dollars which is great where I live. Good point, maybe I should wait and see it's just this offer really got me hard