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  1. Okay so does anyone else have a Samsung Chromebook V2 has the stock charger ever shorted out the USB type c port cause mine just did and I hard it pop followed by the usual burning smell and it took both ports and the charger with it
  2. thank you to everyone advice it was really helpful i'm going to upgrade to a Intel core i5 7500
  3. hello i was just looking to see if anyone could help me with how i should upgrade my system i'm not a novice builder but i wouldn't say i'm a pro either my system specs are cpu: Pentium g4600 graphics card: gtx 1050 mobo: ism pro b250m vd ram: crucial ddr4 8gb storage : Samsung 960 pro nvme m.2 ssd power supply: corsair cx 430 I'm just looking to increase the performance of my system overall when i'm playing games like ark,ds3 and handling more newer tirple A titles like monster hunter world so i'm just not sure if i should upgrade my cpu to intel core i5 7600k or get a more power gpu
  4. I just checked on eBay if you want too replace the screen you can get one for it for 350$ U.S. for sale on there . https://www.google.com/search?q=replacement+screen+for+imac+pro+2017&client=tablet-android-verizon&sa=X&biw=600&bih=960&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&tbm=shop&prmd=snvi&srpd=12573396786236286136&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:12573396786236286136,paur:ClkAsKraX-ul0h7fiBHbKQ6iU-ZhFK7cKS9OpA6BCtrduHiSuKv7vOYTnt6v86BWGOWKt5mk6rm5hBIMzyzr2prjzH-VuTQRrkQGO_qwa42a18uJ2cutLOWb5hIZAFPVH73yzSpUpBwfUEzHTLoZkmDRiBVg8Q&ved=0ahUKEwiWx52kxMLaAhWvSt8KHYRsDT0QgjYIxAQ