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  1. So i'm looking to dip my toes into custom water cooling, pref soft line tubing as I'm wanting to have a purple hue to the water passing through. My system Mobo: x470 aorus wifi 7 GPU: aorus 1080ti 11g CPU: 2700k Ryzen PSU: EVGA 850 gold Ram: 4x8gb 2333MHZ ripjaw oc gaming ddr4 CPU heatsink: GTS V8 coolmaster?? can't remember any suggestions on kits? planning on upgrading my case to the NZXT h710i pref to stay under $450 not planning on keeping the GPU CPU or RAM forever. plan on doing upgrades to GPU next and get 2080TI then add that to the water cooled loop. as for the RAM it's just a little slow for me but I haven't played with the XMP profiles to try to OC it. Any suggestions on where I should move next in towards of upgrading and cooling. (almost thinking of getting a AIO in meantime until i upgrade my system) Primarily use PC for gaming (BL3, GTA5, any other new titles) starting to do Video editing and streaming which is why I want to make sure I'm WELL ahead of the curve for what I'm doing.
  2. corsair makes some pretty moderately prices AIO's they are fairly easy to install shouldn't take the avg user more than 10 mins to install. many videos on youtube of install AIO's I'd recommend about a 240mm rad AIO to try to get full yeild of the heat exchange as I have found a 120mm AIO is comparable to a really nice air fan.
  3. this post is great because of people like you @Tristerin forgot you wrote the book on stuff like this and if one other person has same ideals as you, you seem to idolize them or if not refer everything you work off of them as they have to be right. (jayztwocents) many times in blogs jay has mentioned he has been shown new technology or layouts that revise the way he builds. nothing is absolute. take stuff with more of an open mind.
  4. you would be fine with the R5 2600, I would recommend a AIO with it so your able to get max yield out of the CPU.
  5. Hey LTT, I'm working on upgrading my PC, of course that means a project. My starting plan is to upgrade my case and cooler. At the moment I'm in some big corsair tower I cannot find picture of, but the cpu cooler i'm currently using is the Cooler master V8 GTS. I got it for free from work and I'm trying to go for more aesthetics on this build. So I plan on buying the nzxt 700i case and spray paint some of the insides that are black to be white, and the white strip on the right side i was going to turn into frieza purple. Then I plan on upgrading my cooler with a corsair 115i and spray painting some parts of that as well to match the case. I was planning on going to a custom water loop system but as I plan to upgrade my mobo and processor and make those parts hand me downs to my other pcs. Which made the custom loop not as inciting to me to try when i might be replacing components within a year. So my question mainly is if anyone has recommendations of what paints to use, sanders? (or if i need to for that nzxt case), also a flexible paint would be a great suggestion for me to be able to paint the AIO loops.
  6. tried that already, and checked bios for allowed os mem too =(
  7. Hi I have recently upgraded my Pc. I have upgraded my RAM , MOBO , and CPU I am now encountering this error. any help would be welcomed not sure if it's my win 10 education doesn't support 32gb ram?
  8. what has worked best for me in any electronic cleaning, would be a soft bristle tooth brush and gently scrubbing the areas.
  9. this mobo good enough to get job done? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CBL66TK/?tag=pcpapi-20
  10. OK, thank you very much for the feedback it was very informative.
  11. so it really seems, AMD would be a better route to go and just get a AMD4 bracket for the cooler i got and you think the ryzen 7 x?
  12. https://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-GTS-Performance-Horizontal/dp/B00E0EXYDC would this cooler work? its free at my work. also does this MOBO work? with the intel route? if i do go that way. it just seems better gaming wise for 4k https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145037&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Motherboards+-+Intel-_-N82E16813145037&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI376N-Pme2wIVCNtkCh0GqgeREAQYAyABEgJQKPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. 1tb ssd 960 evo i think then 3tb WD hd and 2 500gb hdd's i had spare
  14. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145059&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Motherboards+-+AMD-_-N82E16813145059&gclid=CjwKCAjwopTYBRAzEiwAnU4kb1XhPcD6t8rD2ZRemq-dClnKvaHmN8F37Gzv1xljhu8FU_r2vC-lghoC2NMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds would this board work? I can get for free at work.