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  1. lglase15

    aux input

    figured it out. laptops jack is an output only
  2. lglase15

    aux input

    im going to try and explain this as easily as possible on my Tower, i was able to plug in an aux cord from my wii and have my wii audio play through my headphones. Windows 10 i am now on a windows 11 laptop. i can no longer find the setting that allowed me to listen to the audio. is it still possible or what am i missing. i am not very familiar with windows 11 yet. Thanks!
  3. hello i am looking to build a pc for gaming at 1080p 60fps at a budget off 750-800 usd https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TBzNvn i am windering if this is a well balenced build or what i need to change. i do not need a monitor but a mouse
  4. What b350 motherboards are ryzen 2000 ready out of the box, I don’t have a 1000 series cpu to update the bios?
  5. Streaming and gaming and some editing
  6. Hello I am looking to build a 1000-1300 USD streaming pc this is what I've come up with so far https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6J8LyX I am happy to receive any suggestions and other parts lists thanks
  7. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t 1080p 2k cause it is half of 2160 which is 4K?
  8. Do I really need 2-3 terabytes of storage though? I’ve been under the impression that 1 will be plenty, so that’s why I only went with the one
  9. So something more along the lines of this? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TQxv4q
  10. I am looking for a good well balanced streaming pc and a monitor for around 900-1000 usd I’ll be playing games such as csgo fortnite and cod does this list make sense or are there changes I should make to it?https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yh7b29 . or should i save up an extra 300 or so and get this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3RYZcY or a third choice for around the same price point As abovehttps://pcpartpicker.com/list/j9Rt3b Which one is the best for the value of these 3 different price points?
  11. Sorry just noticed https://pcpartpicker.com/user/lglase15/saved/rh2tJx here is the 2700x build
  12. Hello I am looking for a streaming pc build I have made a couple options and am wondering which one is the best value for the price ryzen 7 1700 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Wb4YdX ryzen 7 2700x https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qjJpKB