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KSI Hawkk

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  1. I'm looking for a case that's under $80. It needs to be all white motherboard tray and everything, inside and out. I can't seem to find anything.
  2. Ok, Thanks so much for the help.
  3. so i shouldnt need more vram for a while. I'm just stuck at 1080p.
  4. GOTCHA! ok thanks, that make sense. I"M LEARNING
  5. well 1060 3gb is only $50 more so i think ill go with that if the 1gb of vram wont hurt me, that is if i cant find a used 970 or 980
  6. what do you guys think about a 1050 ti 4gb instead? I'm looking for 1080p gaming with mostly maxed setting (except shadows and stuff)
  7. Alright, I want to build a good performance PC for gaming and a little streaming. I need help deciding what GPU to get. I looked at the 1060 3GB and I'm worried it wont be enough VRAM and not future proof enough. I'm looking at 1050 ti's and some used 970's and 470's 480's 570's 580's and can't decide what i need. I'm wanting to play Fortnite (of course) but when that game dies and i want to play other triple A titles i want to know i have a GPU that can handle it later on down the road. I'm trying to keep the PC under $750 and my GPU price range would be under $300 NO MORE. I don't understand VRAM really either so if anyone wants to enlighten me that would be great too. Thanks!
  8. This look better? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4Xh8MZ
  9. I want to make sure everything i have planned out will be compatible. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HsHn7W If there is anything you would change i'm open to suggestions.
  10. I'm looking for a PC for gaming/streaming. I'd like an all white or red/black theme. $800 max. Thanks for the help in advance!
  11. thanks for the help. i wanted a white 1050 ti but i didnt want to sacrifice too much for performance
  12. yes its the asus dual white 1050 ti. it doesnt require psu power. i was just wondering if there would be a performance difference between the asus dual and one that was powered by the psu.
  13. I am wondering if it would be better to have a 1050ti powered by the psu would be significantly better or could i get away with having it powered by the mobo (pci-e) I'm looking into getting the asus 1050 ti dual fan white gpu but wondering if it would have a performance drop because its powered by the motherboard and not the psu. PLEASE HELP!