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  • CPU
    i7 8700
  • Motherboard
    H370 Gigabyte
  • RAM
    16gb ddr4 2666mhz
  • GPU
    gtx 1080
  • Case
    Deepcool Case
  • Storage
    1tb hard drive wd
  • PSU
    650 watts
  • Display(s)
    Main: 4k secondary: 1080p
  • Cooling
    212 evo

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  1. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this. (Note This is repost for General Discussion) My budget is somewhere between 300 and 400 united state dollars. I'm looking for a vr headset and I am wondering what headsets are good and which ones I should stay away from. I am personally fine with waiting for better opinions if you guys think I should, anyway thank you for the help.
  2. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this. I'm looking for a vr headset and am wondering what headsets are good and which ones I should stay away from. I am personally fine with waiting for better opinions if you guys think I should, anyway thank you for the help.
  3. 1. How do I get the update to get Gsync 2. Does it work on my monitor or is there a way to check? https://www.amazon.com/ViewSonic-VX3258-2KC-MHD-Ultrawide-Monitor-FreeSync/dp/B07B8DXNDZ?th=1 ViewSonic VX3258-2KC-MHD 32 Inch 1440p Curved 144 Hz Gaming Monitor with FreeSync Eye Care HDMI and DP
  4. So my problem is on my high end machine my fps is terrible even when I disable settings to the lowest the fps is still bad when I speed the game up to the fastest fast forward, I get like 5-10fps when its on the red fastest setting. (100+ fps when on pause) Is there any fixes I should know. Specs: Gtx 1080 i7 8700 (non k) 16gb ram 2666 Cpu is properly cooled Also game is installed on a 480gb ssd by sandisk that I bought recently
  5. I wouldn't buy a card anymore with less than the 4gb of vram because 3gb won't be enough for new games in 2019 or even later this year
  6. I'd say a 980 because it would be cheaper and preform the same https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nvidia-GeForce-GTX-980-Founders-Edition/163094830025?epid=11020355632&hash=item25f9359bc9:g:3DsAAOSw9mFbIH~G and gtx 1060 is like 50$ more just get this if you want to save a few you won't be disappointed
  7. rx 560 for 220 is a ripoff buy a gtx 1060 3gb its 115% faster I used to own one its really good https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-GAMING-Support-03G-P4-6162-KR/dp/B01KU2CIIY/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1528521527&sr=1-1&keywords=gtx+1060+3gb psu is fine but it wont leave much room for high end cpu upgrades case is fine 238 for 16gb is bad buy this (faster and nice heat spreader) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074RNY5DB why buy a apu and a gpu doesn't make sense get a ryzen 1400 instead and motherboard is fine
  8. seems a little hot for a water cooled setup but as long as while its at full load its under 80 its fine
  9. the i7 4790k might be 4 years old but it still kicks ass your cpu usage may be high in games but still good for the gtx 1070. I personally have the i7 8700 non k and it might give better fps then the i7 4790k but games cant totally use coffee lakes cpu yet demanding game only go to 50%. keep the i7 4790k for another 2 years then upgrade use the money you've saved for the upgrade to upgrade to a new gpu maybe?
  10. buy the 1060 6gb only I think the 3gb wont be enough v ram for more then another year or so, however I would at least buy a gtx 1070 for futureproofing for the next 2-3 years at 1080p ultra
  11. got mine a couple months ago new for 500$ it might have been a bit overpriced but its a good card and much better than my old 1060 3gb for 4k
  12. if the cards are recent ish (rx 400-rx 500) sell them and just keep one then upgrade when the newest nvidia or amd launches
  13. Any Genre or game that's come out in the last 3 months
  14. hey my I may have found the issue the 6 pins were plugged in on my gtx 1080 but the other 2 pins werent completely plugged in so when it needed more power it turned off I'll update if its fixed after I test it.