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  1. Yep, just changed it, 64 characters now and I'm able to log in Thank you for the very quick fix!
  2. Sorry for the late reply. I indeed just generated a password and pasted it there, I did test a bit in the settings, but I was not able to log in even after directly creating the account, perhaps the register screen password box length changed since you created the account? (would be weird but I suppose possible). Logins/registration through the available third parties were not used.
  3. Hello, guess my first post on this forums is gonna be a bug report I wasn't able to log in with a 64 character password, the register and change password UIs take the password without errors/warnings, but change password and login UIs report it as invalid. I tried multiple times with different length passwords and reproduced the issue every time the password was >56 chars, currently I'm using a 32 character password without issues. Putting an upper limit and making the UIs error out if the given password is longer would be one way to fix it, however, I'm more towards removing the unwanted length limit completely (I assume its unwanted as an upper limit is not noted anywhere). As to the bug report guideline, browser/version is irrelevant, so are any error messages, its just the "invalid password" error.