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  1. That's where my gut is sitting all I keep thinking is possibly a really small mounting problem maybe something as easy as the wrong screws for the backplate possibly or just something not making full contact. Definitely keep us updated if you find out whats happening and hope some of this gets you in the right direction! Good Luck either way.
  2. Hmm this one is a challenge to fully answer without beingthere hands on. I suspected immediately what the others also said. If its one loop and gpu temped are fine it rules out any restrictive flows during stressing especislly if the gpu is being stress tested too. That tells me hoses, blocks and pump should be fine. Now to me ot leaves eitger the mpunting system is somehow not securing tightly to the faceplate of the cpu which can sometimes be checked with the wiggle test(just be gentle), I would say thermal paste but you've already tried that. I'd also think maybe something is drastically wrong in the overclock settings. Maybe the voltage is spiking or needs a higher or lower LLC setting depending. Another thing to test is if you still have the previous cpu you were using put it back in and run the same tests if it works than it must be cpu related vs contact.
  3. It certainly can cause instability but many times the two sticks will simply run at the lpwest ones ratings in both speed and latency. Im in between upgrades on a server/gamer system atm and while I am waiting to get 2 budget 3000mhz ddr4 sticks i attemped putting ome g. Skill aegis 8gb 3000mhz with cl16 1.35volt in with a Corsair vengeance 2400 cl 16 1.2 volt. They not only worked but still managed dual channel. I middle grounded and am running stable with both at 1.22volts and 2800mhz timing 16-18-18-39 or something to that aprox. Ive also mismatched ddr3 many times without issue in both desktops and laptops. Never had an issue so far. The onlyone ive yet to test is a thing called something like assymetrical dual channel. Its basically matching a 8gb stick with a 4gb and the first 4gb on each can sometimes dual channel as well leaving 4gb for extra if needed in single channel. Hope this helps and I will end by still adding discretion as it doesn't have any guarentee to work let alone dual channel it still comes down to chipsets, SoCs, Motherboard support, etc. Always try to find a matching stick and if you absolutely can't try to at least get the timing and frequency the same or as close as possible to ensure better odds of compatibility.