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  1. Any software you might be able to identify as bloatware. I tried looking up what the things running in the background of my PC are but im afraid if I end the task it could have been useful. I understand it's not just the things in the background that you're talking about tho.
  2. Got it, any suggestions? Also, would you happen to know if overclocking would be a possibility?
  3. Does the link to the computer/GPU not work? I can provide the specs if it would help get a more specific answer.
  4. I bought a pre-built computer a year ago in hopes that I would just be able to upgrade it. (I was around 12 at the time). I am now looking to upgrade as I have $150 to spend. I was wondering if I needed to upgrade the CPU or if I would be able to get away with buying a new GPU. I know the pricing of GPU's at the time are super overpriced due to bitcoin miners but I really need something to support Fortnite at better than low settings on 720p. Is there something that I need to be doing with software that would help me get better frames without upgrading, or do I just need to get better hardware? Any tips would help and I was looking at buying this card. HELP!!!!!!