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Not The Sharpest Tool

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  1. Hi all, My question may or may not be very simple. I posted this- hoping that I would be able to find a program that, when I open Spotify, will automatically set the volume of all other programs to 50% the volume that my computer's set as.T I had no real luck there, so I decided, with my very limited knowledge, to try and code something myself with Python. I'm using Python because we had to learn it for my maths class at school. I've done a few dumb things, like a meme questionnaire and a roulette board type of thing, but nothing using other applications or stuff of that sort. I've coded my "program" to automatically open Spotify, and it has the code to be able to tell itself to close; import subprocess subprocess.Popen(['C:\Users\Tyson\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe']) ans = input("Say 'DONE' when you are.") if ans == "DONE": print("Nice") The last line is just a placeholder to make sure stuff would work haha, ignore that. Also, it won't open Spotify itself. I've tried with other programs like Steam and it works perfectly, but with Spotify, it gives me this error- https://prnt.sc/j8ktem Basically, what I want is to be able to have the program to be able to take the computer's volume and halve it for all programs other than Spotify. e.g. If my computer's set at 20, have everything but Spotify set at 10, and also if someone could help me solve the error I'm getting that would be awesome. And tell me if I'm doing stupid stuff that could be done easier and better with the code I've done, because I'm still learning Python, hoping to learn C++, probably after I graduate Year 12 and have the time. Thank you all so much.
  2. I've been doing that, just was hoping there was a program already made that does it because if not I'll try to code one myself but that may be dangerous haha
  3. Hey everybody, So my Lenovo Yoga 520's touchscreen stopped working. It's done this before, it just will stop working for a while after turning off the laptop, then will just randomly decide it wants to work and start working after turning it back on. I've checked the drivers, the included photos should explain whats happening with them. Thanks everybody