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Everything posted by JenH

  1. I recently bought a 128 gb micro SD and I'm having trouble verifying that it works (ie isn't a fake) before I load all my data onto it. I tried using h2testw, but it can't find the card when it's in my phone which is plugged into my laptop - the card shows up only as a subfolder of the phone folder somehow and I don't know if that's how it's supposed to work. What other methods are out there to test whether or not the card's a fake?
  2. What do you think about this one? https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/lg-34-219-wqhd-curved-ultrawide-ips-freesync-led-monitor-34uc99-w-lg/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_ads&gclid=CjwKCAiAoNTUBRBUEiwAWje2litUumX5WtAMtpsws6UiLX2fN_ixy_ihTKOLk5m00Mwgw_h0cFpNrxoCdxcQAvD_BwE I think it's basically the same but it's also curved. I don't know if I really *need* 4k though, since I'm not gaming or watching 4k content?
  3. Thanks for the suggestions! The setup I'm currently suffering through is two 22" 1680*1080 monitors side by side and I want to replace them with one ultra wide with better resolution. 60hz feels too jerky and I was thinking 100 would completely eradicate that problem, but yeah it might be a bit overkill for my purposes, 75 would probably feel buttery smooth especially in comparison. But at the same time I don't mind erring a bit on the side of completely overpowered : D
  4. I'm looking for a good monitor with the above specs. It's going to be used mostly for Skype and productivity/work-related stuff, not gaming. Anyone have any recommendations?