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  1. FYI the OG Xbox 360 Arcade had many hardware revisions, the most recent being the 150Watt Jasper model. The original 200Watt Xenon models are very prone to failure, and the 175Watt Falcon model has a revised and more efficient CPU, so they don't normally fail unless you do marathon runs with them. But the 150Watt Jasper is just as reliable as the Slim and (E) variants. There have been no reported red rings on Jasper units. The only real way to tell the units apart from each other is to look at their power supply. 203Watt: Xenon. 175Watt: Falcon. 150Watt: Jasper. But the Slim and (E) models are still better options because they have built in wi-fi. You'll have to get a wireless adapter or use ethernet to go online with any of the Arcade models.