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  1. How would that explain that the pc technician was able to turn on the pc without replacing anything?
  2. I mean it seems to have power since the light on my keyboard turns on, and I also tried another psu and it was the same result. It's also pretty new.
  3. The lights on my keyboard turn on when the pc is connected to power. However, not a single thing happens when I try to turn it on, no fans, no signal.
  4. Motherboard: b450m ds3h Cpu: ryzen 5 3600 Gpu: rtx 2060 super
  5. Hello, Im trying to turn on my pc and nothing happens. The first things I did was remove all peripherals, gpu, RAM. I know the psu is okay because my keyboard lights up when I connect it to the pc. I also tried a different psu and still nothing. I tried using the "clr cmos" jumper, removing the cmos battery. After all that I went to a repair shop. All I saw him do was use a screwdriver to probably jump something (he didn't really want to tell me what he did) And the pc turned on. That was yesterday. Today I went to turn on my pc and again nothing. I tried what I think he did but it didn't help. Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem? This would help so much.
  6. My Project in in React Typescript and there is this package called collections. It does have @types/collections but only for the sorted-set structure, I need one for sorted-map. I have never written my own decleration, and generaly I am new to TS so I really have no idea what to do. From looking at sorted-map.js I see that it doesn't have much code and pretty much just depends on sorted-set and its coresponding decleration. I've tried giving it a shot but I get stuck everywhere. Can any one take a look at that and maybe help me with creating the declerations I need?
  7. okay, I understand that ds: means pointer, like using [ ]. But what exactly does loc10+1 mean? It should have some value but how would I know what it is?
  8. I was given a .com file, I opened it with IDA in 16 bit mode (I know this code was written with Emu8086, that's 16 bit) There are two lines that I don't understand and don't recognize from 8086. Can anyone explain to me what those two line do? I was thinking maybe it has to do we variables but the one who wrote this says he didn't use any.
  9. That's also a good example. I'm looking for highlighting and descriptions for those "features".
  10. Hi everyone, I don't know what the correct term is that I am looking for so I will describe it. Some applications, games and even websites have some type of "tutorial" for the GUI. Typically a frame arround a component explaining what it's for, what you can do with it... I tried googling it like "React create step-by-step tutorial", "react add tutorials to your website" and more. To give you an idea of what I am talking about, try looking at "design" i made for LTT: I would like to add such a functionality to my react website. Any idea where I could find some help on how to implement this or what the correct term is? That would help so much.
  11. I'm aware that Python 2.7 is old and unsopported but sadly I don't have a choice. You two could be right about most of the docs still being relevant. But when trying to follow some basic examples from the docs I imediately stumbled upon problems. This is a huge red flag for me, because I've barely copy and pasted some example. I would really preffer documentations that are ment for that version. Maybe the creators themselfes or readthedocs have some archives? I'm still trying to find something.
  12. I was searching for a websocket server library that I can use with python 2.7 and stumbled upon Autobahn 19.11.2 (That's the latest version supporting pytohn 2.7). However, when I tried reading about it, I could only find the information about the newer versions. The official docs don't have the option to change to 19.11.2. Only the pypi.org of that version has some information but it's very much barebones. Does anyone know where I can find the full documentation of that specific version?
  13. I am looking into different UI toolkits for a project. I found two options that would suite me - "Bootstrap 5" and "Blueprint". Although Blueprint looks better for me, it doesn't offer a layout system like Bootstrap. Is there a way to only use the layout system from Bootstrap together with Blueprint? Or maybe there is a library I can use just for that together with Blueprint.
  14. Mhhh I see what you are saying, but it really is complicated to explain. But I will give it a shot. So in my workplace we have different departments, Firmware, hardware, validation and more. Each department also has different teams working on different parts. Now lets say I am in Validation. I need to take all the different contributions from the different departments and their teams so I can do my job. But this requires me to go over all the different files, environments and configurations to stitch them all together. This is a time consuming and tedious thing I have to do. Examples of thing the developers have to do: Change file paths: I get 'C:/Some/Remote/Path' and have to change it to 'C:/My/Local/Path'. (Repeat this 20 times for different files/folders) Changing flags: Turn on the 'log' flag, turn off the 'isHardware' flag. (Do this in line 100 of file x, line 530 of file y and line 35 of file z...) Take the firmware configuration and hardware configuration and create a validation configuration out of it Run 'C:/My/Project/Files/script.py' (Has to do this for every new project) And that's where I am supposed to come in. I can automate most of those steps saving the developers a lot of otherwise wasted time. The thing is that this is not just a one-click task and more like whole work flow, needing devices to initialize in between, scripts to run and so on. And at this point I started having questions. Hope this makes my problem clearer.
  15. Hey, I'm new and I've come here because right now I am totally so overwhelmed by all the available technologies and solutions that I have no idea where to start. What I need is to create a very specific application for developers in my workplace. The workflow looks something like this: User enters his variables --> app creates a configuration --> Run a 'test' based on that configuration I am talking about a lot of variables. The point of the application is to take in all that information and configure it. For example one of the variables could be a file from which I take information by parsing its content. Now the user can run a test based on the configuration. The test itself is not my responsibility, it's in python and something I need to feed my configuration to. Things I am pretty sure about: Split the app up to frontend and backend backend needs to be python 2.7 -> thinking about utilizing Django frontend is going to be web-based ->thinking about React (Typescript, HTML, and some CSS framework like bootstrap) Use WebSockets for for bi-directional conversation between frontend and backend Run both server and client on the user's PC. The problem I am facing is how to connect the different 'states' of the independent server and the client, in a programmatically correct way, with so many variables, tabs, components, etc. I use WebSockets to move information between server and client. Let's say the user entered a new value in the client GUI, now I want to update the server so it can do its part. But I don't want to send a whole snapshot of the current state of the GUI to the server since this is not efficient. Is GraphQL the right solution for this job? Now the server got updated by the GUI, it parsed a few things and now wants to send this back to the client. How can I take what the server sent, which could be a very deeply nested value, and update the corresponding part in the GUI? Is XState (or other state managers) the solution? I know this is a very specific question and I might be totally lost but I would like to hear your advice because this is a new subject for me and I am just learning right now. (Also posted on stackshare)