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  1. So the only difference is Dell = better customer support Predator = Better color and build in speakers
  2. As the title says. Just curious with one is better, or what the pro's/cons of both of them are.
  3. I'll prob just see if there is a store with I can try both at, and if not I might just buy both monitors and return one.
  4. I need somebody with way deeper pockets then me to test out how the rtx 2080 ti handles 5k2k
  5. With is why I am debating between that or 1440p at 120 hz. I don't even know if the rtx 2080 ti can run a 5k2k display, even though it's ultrawide and thus it becomes 4k the pixels are still more then traditional 4k
  6. Well the 4k ultrawide I linked is true 4k, it's actually 5k2k
  7. I can see it being awesome for games. No point in getting normal 2k I suppose?
  8. Then I gotta wonder why the ultrawide is so loved... ?
  9. But do you really want a 34" 1440p that looks like Full HD at 27" Maybe I just misunderstood what you said, does a 34inch (1440p) look like a 27 inch full hd monitor? Or did you just get confused with what I said previously?
  10. I more meant that I could go to the store and look at a 27 inch 4k monitor in order to compare it to the ultrawide 4k one, as I know for sure they won't have the latter. But like I said, I seriously doubt I can do it to begin with. They are very strict here about testing products like monitors in the store, and it's a miracle the last time I went there I was actually allowed to test a mouse and play a game. With, a year later, was no longer a option :/.
  11. As the title says, I am torn between these. I know the 34GK950G-B is "overpriced" and not even out yet, and I will wait to see how much it actually is going to cost before buying it. I have a rtx 2080 ti to power these panels, and I am pretty much at this point deciding between true 4k ultrawide 60hz or 1440p 120hz ultrawide. I would go to the store and test a 27 inch 4k monitor and a 34 inch 1440p 120hz ultrawide monitor, but that is not really a option in this country :/. I mostly game and watch videos, and I never truly cared about fps and mostly cared about graphics. I have heard however that the downgrade from 4k to 1440p is just straight up worth the increase in HZ, because it makes the game look so smooth it beats the downgrade in pixels. I don't know if this is true, however.