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  1. Any better Case than the one that I Built my pc in.Also What Size SSD should I get.
  2. I've built this Gaming pc on February The 18th of This Year. I want this pc to be ready to play More High-End Games Like Black Ops 4 when it comes out and I want to make it so I can edit videos faster. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/h6rNnH
  3. Yes you can https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/65159 720p high or 1080p med
  4. That build is $411 for me.I think it is because I turn off mail in rebates.
  5. Sadly there is no Micro center near me and it depends on what website it is(No Craigslist).I would like to have new parts because of the warranty.
  6. Hi guys I need a new gaming pc.My budget is $400.The PC must include a wireless card and has a upgradeability path.Thanks for your help. Almost forgot the games I play are GTA V , Minecraft , Kerbal Space Program , PUBG , Space Engineers , Rocket League and Overwatch.