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  1. It's built into the motherboard, all drivers are up to date
  2. So I've had this problem ever since I've first had a PC, but I've rebuilt this one and the only parts that's the same is the 3 HDD 's but that's been formatted, I'm currently running Windows 10 and my wifi refuses to work with my computer, it works for everyone's devices in the house except mine, and my computers Networking device work perfect because I've moved it and used it on a different network with no problems, it's only when I use my computer at home and try that network that it either will not connect and will crash my network services on the computer and shutdown the network adapter, or it will connect and then disconnect me an hour or 2 later, and then the network will be undetectable by my computer, wtf is going on, I've ran windows diagnostics and it doesn't know, usually just resets the network adapter and that works but recently that hasn't been working, It just says can't connect to network and then the network disappears and so does all the surrounding networks except 2. Please help Specs. i3-8100 Gtx 1060 6gb Asus z370-e motherboard 8gb 2400 ddr4 1tb WD blue Corsair cx 430m
  3. IT DIDNT WORK HELP, I can't afford another board, there's gotta be a fix for this, I factory reset windows clean install fresh new drivers and after 2 hours it still doesn't work
  4. So do I have to format it? Or do like a windows refresh?
  5. I can't think of much to do rather than see if he can claim a warranty on it
  6. So I have a very big problem, I have a brand new z370 Asus motherboard with WiFi, cost me 200 dollars, built it all correctly, and I've same internet problem since my last build, the only same components is the hard drive and windows, everything else has been changed, the problem is the internet will stay connected for about a minute and then goes away and doesn't come back, there is no disconnecting and reconnect it literally just dissapears and then I can't open control panel, can't open network center, no system apps work, but all 3rd party apps work, no it isn't a virus I have Avast and Malwarebytes and I have done multiple scans. Its clean, so what's wrong, why does my internet problem persist over 2 builds, is it windows?, Before you ask, noone else in the house has this problem. Im too far away to use lan and cannot move my router, so I only have WiFi, can't move my PC either. Please help, all current drivers and everything, I would really like to stay away from formatting windows bc I have over 400gb of data, also sometimes it'll fix itself for about a week, then breaks again, I don't know why
  7. so i will have 500 to start and will be getting the other 230 later, what would be best to upgrade first/would give best performance bump? the ram, cpu, and motherboard? or the GPU, i think cpu/ram/motherboard would bc i get bottlenecked in games with my 6300. but what do u think?
  8. looks great! i can definitely increase to that. i will edit my list to include this
  9. 730 USD system will be used for gaming at 1080p 60fps max settings for the time being, AAA titles like GTA 5, (will be upgrading monitor to 1440p in late future (like 8 months or longer), and also might start doing VR) using a single 1080p monitor with 60hz refresh rate TO BE REUSED IF POSSIBLE: case, monitor, mouse, keyboard, headphones, windows 10 64 bit, 3 HARD DRIVES all 7200rpm (1 Tb, 480Gb, 300Gb) 430 watt power supply A motherboard w/ wireless is a must!! im upgrading because its old and lacking performance i want, not really planning on overclocking due to laziness buuuut im willing if it really helps that much. i will be redeeming every single mail in rebate BC i can. this is my current PC (this shows the original pricing of my computer, that's why not everything says already purchased, just the stuff that was given to me is) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XB4GsJ this is PC i will be upgrading too https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kghBsJ keep in mind if your build you suggest is a dollar above budget i don't care, max is 5 above tho, shoot for 730 flat or under any improvements/suggestions? Do i need a budget increase?