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Blown Circuit

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  1. Thanks, LearnC++ is pretty easy to follow. More than most free C++ material out the for beginners anyway. I was using geektogeeks, but it jump cuts and inserts elements I hadn't learned yet (like the void function that I was having trouble with understanding of which the code came from geektogeeks). I am learning it as a hobby, but more so to prove to myself that I still have some type of working memory left in my head. I'm hoping this'll help.
  2. This code < #include <iostream> using namespace std; void func() { //this variable is local to the function func() //and can not be accessed outside this function int age = 18; cout << age; } int main (){ cout << "age is "; func(); return 0; } > is supposedly supposed to be local, yet I can access func() in the main block. Google's telling me it's universal, but Geeksforgeeks is telling me otherwise.
  3. I have no idea what you just said lol I think I may have found something though. What I found basically said that it's global.
  4. I'm just beginning to learn C++ and I've run across a block type following the website Geeksforgeeks that I can't really find information on. < void func() { //this variable is local to the function func() //and can not be accessed outside this function int age = 18; cout << age; } > I'm just trying to figure out how void functions. What does it mean?
  5. I figured I'd try to start writing again (my memory's such garbage that I let what little I did learn and retain lie for quite a while and die) and I'm getting an odd output. < #include <stdio.h> int main() { int age; printf("Enter your age : "); scanf_s("%d",&age); printf("your age is %d"); return 0; }> I'm lost as to what it could be.
  6. The screws are easy enough, the 4mm hex screws are what gave me problems. I couldn't figure out what they were or how to get them out.
  7. It didn't seem like the Volta was made for gaming. Maybe wait a few years and I'm sure they'll tailor a version of it for gaming though.
  8. The i5-7400 plus the H110 together are probably worth more than you'd be paying adding ram and a case with a 700w psu free of charge basically, is a good deal. The psu, as has been said, is likely trash though.
  9. Best you decide that for yourself. You already basically know what you want, it's more about just looking for something that's the size you want for a good price. Maybe throw in gsync if possible.
  10. A 1tb drive is under $50 us and a 3tb drive is around $70. A cheap 250gb ssd is around $80 US so he's looking at around $70 eu for a cheap SSD. It's up to him, but I think the money's better spent elsewhere.
  11. If the purpose is gaming, which I suspect it is, and hdd would be perfectly fine. Ssd's are expensive and you get so little space for the money that you would hardly benefit from the speed of an SSD. He's already got a good build and he's paying out the ass for it.
  12. You can find vids from ltt, Paul's Hardware, jayztwocents, etc that show you how to overclock if you're interested or even just curious.
  13. No. Factory overclocked gpus are overclocked when brands like msi or evga get a hold of the chip and sell it in their own enclosure as aftermarket cards whereas there are no aftermarket CPUs. I don't know a lot about overclocking, but I think the CPU as well as the gpus overclock is set in boards they use. You can buy motherboards that automatically oc your CPU "within reason", but I doubt you'll see much improvement.