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  1. I had to repaint 4 times. Because of....GLOSS. Its the bane of my existence. Gloss black especially. I am kind of a perfectionist though. Other people would have been fine with my paint jobs, but I like PERFECT EVEN SHEEN and gloss is so hard to get perfect. But nice job
  2. did you have to submit drawings or plans to MSI? Or just describe the idea? Looking forward to seeing more!
  3. thanks, hey i printed off a fan grill from the only site I could find once I googled it, was that your site? The site that sells like fan grills and you have templates and stuff in pdf form?
  4. Haha thanks! I saw it first on Instagram, then someone said its on their facebook!
  5. thanks man! it sure did, i bet if i did it again, it wouldnt take 4 months, i learned alot on the way to the end
  6. please show me once you do, honesltly i was really hoping i could start a trend for others covering cables or motherboards for the ultimate clean look, its already kind of being adopted as ASUS armor boards are really taking off. (But if you go armor route, its VERY labor intensive, not the cutting, but the measuring or template creation). But yea I gots to see your next build
  7. thanks, yea I had to make a custom rad mount, but you can buy one cheap https://www.amazon.com/XSPC-Universal-RadStand-Radiator-Mounting/dp/B004KO9DA0 it fits any size, then you can move the fans to the front like I did
  8. Ok here are the final pics, i think it came out great, but I built it how i wanted it, so of course im going to like it..... I hope others do to, remember I went for cleanliniess first, no cables, transistors, cap banks etc. to be visible, and I wanted hidden lights and skulls. Thats what i wanted.Unfortunately I had to use an iphone....No DSLR. But I did go to alot of trouble to buy diffusers for some LEDs and also bought blackout paper for background. I did the best I could, and it sucks using iphone because the shots with NO outside light, all came out crappy, so I included only 1 shot with no room lighting... My fav part, the floor, you can see it in the second pic, or the mobo armor, that took forevor and day.
  9. thanks i just got back from the store, buying white and black backdrops for the pictures. The build is actually nicer looking than most will assume. I purposely have released very little in an effort to have it be a surprise at reveal. In all honesty its going to be one of the cleanest case mods ever done. There are alot of super clean mods out there, but none to this extent. Only thing im sad about, is I couldnt get a DSLR in time....Will have to use my Iphone, but at least its the newest Iphone X, and I unlocked full control of exposure ISo and focus. Hopefully the pictures will give it a little bit of accurate representation, even though from being there in person, no camera on earth can represent like being in person does.
  10. Ok this is Officially REALLY OFFICIALLY the final update. Expect pictures for final reveal on Friday, I need to take today and see if I can find or borrow a better than iphone camera, if I cant, oh well. Iphone X takes really good pictures in the light, it just suffers a little in real low light scenarios. So guess what? Im in love. I fell in love with that barrow (or bitspower makes it too) expandable/retractable G 1/4 fitting. It saved my ass, and fixed my leak, and my system is up and running! It took a previously difficult 2 hour fitting install at the reservoir, and turned it into a super easy, leak proof, 5 min install. I could not be happier with that fitting. Could not recommend to anyone any more than I am now. It is AWESOME The only problem I have now is GSKIL ram sucks. One of the sticks wont work. It has a mind of its own, and changes to whatever color it wants. Everything else works fine, all other lighting, including the other RAM stick, so I dont know what to do. I wish I could return it but its too late.
  11. the problem is online only sells it in increments of 5's, and one in 7.5. So 7.5,10,15,20,30,40,60. So unless you have one that is exactly even increment, it wont fit. I couldnt at least, I had x1- 7.5, x 2-10's, and x1-15, and i couldnt get it to fit. .... so i dont know....I could try ordering a a few of 7.5's and that might work but it would suck to order a ton of fittings that might not work. Although these telescopic ones might not work. They have good reviews on amazon though....Only 1 bad review, and it said if you extend it all the way it leaks a little, but anything less than fully extended and it works. That was 1 bad review ouf of 15.... So my hopes are kinda high
  12. thanks! I was considering that, it would just have a wider than tube gap to somehow fill in. But omg, guess what! Someone on reddit recomended this item below, I didnt even know such a thing existed!!! In all my years I have NEVER heard of such a thing! Im so stoked to try it i ordered 2 sizes to be overnighted, so I should know tomorow how it works!!! I have heard good things! ITS RETRACTABLE OR EXTENDABLE! how in the world does that work? That is amazing.