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  1. I'm trying to upgrade some hardware components on my Zen AIO 27 UHD. I am reluctant to entirely dismantle the machine, and I'm not very trusting of the systems identification of its own hardware. I believe some of the hardware was made specifically for this computer. At this point I can't even confidently identify where the ram is located to find the proper form factor. Apparently this model was not very popular because there is absolutely zilch online reguarding upgrades to this platform. If you can help me in anyway i would greatly appreciate it!!
  2. Hey guys, I recently got the ASUS Zen Aio 27 inch. I'm running into some performance issues with editing work flow and other processes that are taxing on the system. Can anyone give me some links to part upgrades that are 100% compatible with the system? I can find the specs in the system, but having never ordered pc parts, I don't have enough confidence to order parts without some confirmation from someone that has a clue. Also if anyone has the same unit, and has done upgrades, any tips you could give me on the process would be great! Thanks!!
  3. Hi guys, I am working on a build list and I am willing to spend a lot of money in order to future proof it. I do a lot of editing in 4K, and I know higher resolutions are right around the corner. I would like gaming capability as well, however that is not my top priority. What are my best options? I was thinking i9 9700x as a few sites show it having the best value/cpu mark in its class. Any help would be great! Thanks